K2 Carrying Handle/Strap???

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K2 Carrying Handle/Strap???

Fred Bennett  N9TA-2
   Hi Gang

I completed the build of  #6705 last night with the installation of the
SSB option.
I built this K2 (my third) with the thought of portable operations. The
options I
included are K160RX, KSB2, KAT2, KBT2, and KIO2.

It's been years since my last K2 but I remember discussions on this
email reflector
about a carrying strap. With the inclusion of the KBT2 (battery) option
the K2 is
a heavy little bugger....and I can see how a carrying strap would be
nice to insure
that no drops happen while moving the rig about. Has anyone here
installed a carrying
strap and is there anything to be concerned about?? I'm sure I can find
a carrying
strap to affix to the side of the K2....the question being...is there a
structural strength
issue to be concerned about since the side panel is attached to the PC

                         73...de...Fred  N9TA
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Re: K2 Carrying Handle/Strap???

Phillip Buckholdt-2

     I have built 3 K-2's and have used the carry handlle for the IC-706 on
them. It involves drilling and tapping holes for 2  2mm screws and 4 4/40
holes for the feet if used.  The number forthe handle kit is something like

     73 Phil K8MBY

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Bennett N9TA" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft Email List" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:42 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K2 Carrying Handle/Strap???

>   Hi Gang
> I completed the build of  #6705 last night with the installation of the
> SSB option.
> I built this K2 (my third) with the thought of portable operations. The
> options I
> included are K160RX, KSB2, KAT2, KBT2, and KIO2.
> It's been years since my last K2 but I remember discussions on this
> email reflector
> about a carrying strap. With the inclusion of the KBT2 (battery) option
> the K2 is
> a heavy little bugger....and I can see how a carrying strap would be
> nice to insure
> that no drops happen while moving the rig about. Has anyone here
> installed a carrying
> strap and is there anything to be concerned about?? I'm sure I can find
> a carrying
> strap to affix to the side of the K2....the question being...is there a
> structural strength
> issue to be concerned about since the side panel is attached to the PC
> board??
>                         73...de...Fred  N9TA
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> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Elecraft mailing list
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Re: K2 Carrying Handle/Strap???

Fred Bennett  N9TA-2
   I see an "MB72" listed for the Icom 706 as a carrying
strap....gigaparts lists for $15.

Phil, I was wondering if you used the batt option which adds a bunch of
weight to the K2.
My concern is for stress fractures where the side panel connects to the
RF PC board.


Phillip Buckholdt wrote:

> Fred
>     I have built 3 K-2's and have used the carry handlle for the
> IC-706 on them. It involves drilling and tapping holes for 2  2mm
> screws and 4 4/40 holes for the feet if used.  The number forthe
> handle kit is something like MB-106.
>     73 Phil K8MBY
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Fred Bennett N9TA"
> <[hidden email]>
> To: "Elecraft Email List" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:42 PM
> Subject: [Elecraft] K2 Carrying Handle/Strap???
>>   Hi Gang
>> I completed the build of  #6705 last night with the installation of the
>> SSB option.
>> I built this K2 (my third) with the thought of portable operations. The
>> options I
>> included are K160RX, KSB2, KAT2, KBT2, and KIO2.
>> It's been years since my last K2 but I remember discussions on this
>> email reflector
>> about a carrying strap. With the inclusion of the KBT2 (battery) option
>> the K2 is
>> a heavy little bugger....and I can see how a carrying strap would be
>> nice to insure
>> that no drops happen while moving the rig about. Has anyone here
>> installed a carrying
>> strap and is there anything to be concerned about?? I'm sure I can find
>> a carrying
>> strap to affix to the side of the K2....the question being...is there a
>> structural strength
>> issue to be concerned about since the side panel is attached to the PC
>> board??
>>                         73...de...Fred  N9TA
>> ______________________________________________________________
>> Elecraft mailing list
>> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
>> Post: mailto:[hidden email]
>> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
>> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html

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