K2 Checkout - Excess current?

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K2 Checkout - Excess current?

Gordon & Lois Duff
I am almost done assembling #3108.  During the 40 meter Transmitter
Alignment (page 72) the radio is drawing 2.2 amps for 10w power.  The manual
says "much higher than 2 A" is a problem.  Is 2.2 a problem?


Gordon, KA2NLM

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Re: K2 Checkout - Excess current?

Don Wilhelm-3

2.2 Amps is probably OK - it is only 10% above the nominal, and that is
within the range of acceptable tolerance for an assembly of 5% tolerance
The power output measurement may be off a bit (especially if you are using
an external wattmeter), and if your output is really 11 watts instead of 10,
that would readily explain the increased current.
How accurate is your dummy load? - if it is not exactly 50 ohms resistive at
the frequency you are using, the K2 power ouput indication will not be
correct - but OTOH, if the dummy load IS an accurate 50 ohms resistive, the
base K2 RF probe type detector is usually more accurate than an external


----- Original Message -----

I am almost done assembling #3108.  During the 40 meter Transmitter
Alignment (page 72) the radio is drawing 2.2 amps for 10w power.  The manual
says "much higher than 2 A" is a problem.  Is 2.2 a problem?

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Re: K2 Checkout - Excess current?

John Lonigro

Also, the current drain depends on your input voltage.  With a slightly
drained battery showing 11.9 volts on the K2, my current drain on 40M is
about 2.2 Amps.  At 13.8 volts (showing 13.0 on the K2), it is 2.0.

John AA0VE

W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Gordon,
> 2.2 Amps is probably OK - it is only 10% above the nominal, and that
> is within the range of acceptable tolerance for an assembly of 5%
> tolerance parts.
> ----- Original Message -----
> I am almost done assembling #3108.  During the 40 meter Transmitter
> Alignment (page 72) the radio is drawing 2.2 amps for 10w power.  The
> manual
> says "much higher than 2 A" is a problem.  Is 2.2 a problem?
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