K2 Dial Calibration Question

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K2 Dial Calibration Question

I have noticed that my K2 dial calibration seems to match my ICOM 756 Pro III for all CW stations.  However, when I compare signals SSB signals the K2 seems to be off by about 200 cycles.  Is this a dial calibration issue or something related to the filters?  

I had not noticed this until I installed the K2IO and started to use Spot Collector spots to tune the rig through the K2IO.  When I tune in spots I noticed that they are off by about 200 cycles.  I only use the rig for CW QRP so I had not noticed this before.  I do not have a K2 SSB adapter in the rig.

Fred, KC9QQ
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Re: K2 Dial Calibration Question

Don Wilhelm-4

It could be either the VFO or the filters or both.

Go to my webpage www.w3fpr.com and follow the instructions in the K2
Dial Calibration article.  That should line everything up quite nicely
(within 20 or 30 Hz anyway).


On 7/28/2012 6:30 PM, KC9QQ wrote:
> I have noticed that my K2 dial calibration seems to match my ICOM 756 Pro III
> for all CW stations.  However, when I compare signals SSB signals the K2
> seems to be off by about 200 cycles.  Is this a dial calibration issue or
> something related to the filters?

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Re: K2 Dial Calibration Question

In reply to this post by KC9QQ
Thanks Don.  I downloaded your procedure and will go through it this week.  Thanks again for your quick response.
