K2 Handles

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K2 Handles

Phil LaMarche
I've just painted and installed my handles that were manufactured for the
gang.  The side panels that were removed had bare metal on the top two screw
locations.  Should I do the same with the new handle panels or is it OK to
just install.



Philip LaMarche
LaMarche Enterprises, Inc.
(800) 395-7795 pin 02
Cell 727-510-5038
FAX- 727-937-8834
N.A.S.F.T # 30210

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Re: K2 Handles

Phil LaMarche wrote:

> I've just painted and installed my handles that were manufactured for the
> gang.  The side panels that were removed had bare metal on the top two screw
> locations.  Should I do the same with the new handle panels or is it OK to
> just install.

I presume you are talking about the ones made by Randy, K3QO.  When I painted
mine, I masked the entire section of the inside that went against the K2.  That
insured that there would be good contact between the parts where they were
screwed together, and that the KPA100 shield grounding fingers would have a
clean place to press against.  I would definitely recommend removing the paint
in these areas if you have already painted them.

A note on painting them for anyone who hasn't done it yet:  I cleaned up the
handle punchouts with a fine round file, and then gave both sides of mine a
couple of swipes with an orbital sander.  This removed surface imperfections and
created a finish with some tooth to hold the paint.  Then I primed them with
'etching primer' which I purchased at the local Pep Boys auto supply store.  I
used two light coats.  Then I sanded the surfaces VERY lightly with 800-grit
wet-dry paper (also from Pep Boys).  You need to be careful not to sand the
corners or it will take the primer off.  Finally I painted them satin black
(also purchased from you-know-where) to match the KPA100 heat sink.

I am VERY happy with these side panels with handles, and so far the paint is
holding up.  When I've tried to paint aluminum in the past with regular
(non-etching) primer and without the orbital sander step, the paint has been
very ready to come off at the slightest provocation!

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: K2 Handles

N Skousen
Are these still available ? Does anyone have a set of K2 sides with
'Handles' that they would like to part with ?

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Re: K2 Handles

Bill Steffey NY9H
i would also be interested in a set of k2 handles ....

I also missed the initial thread , or I would have tried to get into the


At 08:45 AM 12/23/2004, N Skousen wrote:

>Are these still available ? Does anyone have a set of K2 sides with
>'Handles' that they would like to part with ?

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