Gradually, the reference to body color is being dropped from the
Elecraft manuals since that body color is changeable at the whim of the
component manufacturer/supplier.
A 10 uHy RF Choke is a 10 uHy RF Choke, no matter what its body color
may be, so ignore the 'tan' or 'green' and go by the color bands.
KEN wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm doing the inventory on a K2 that's been sitting for a while. Building it for a friend. Not sure of the serial #. Around 5900 I think. The manual is January 2004 REV F.
> Problem is with RFC4,5,8,9, 10uh solenoidals (E690009).
> I have 4 "tan" brown-black-browns. The manual on page 5 of Appendix A says they should be "green".
> Any thoughts on this one?
> Thanks, Ken W2GIW
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