K2- Is the Power display really representative of PEP?

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K2- Is the Power display really representative of PEP?

Robin Kiszka

I've probabaly seen this discussed before, but can't remember ...

I have noticed that the power output on my K2 differs from measures PEP going to the antenna. Mostly it displays between 14.8and 15.2.

However, when measuring with a wattmeter and dummy load I notice that on 18m I get 18W PEP, and on 15m down to 12W. On 10m it's at 8W.

So my question is, is the power level that you seen on the display really just a scale for adjusting power, or is it at true reading. I'm starting to wonder if my Watt meter is inaccurate (a Yaesu 60 model) ?

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Re: K2- Is the Power display really representative of PEP?

Don Wilhelm-3

The base K2 power display is a simple diode detector (an RF probe is
similar), and it will be reasonably accurate if and only if the load
inpedance is 50 ohms resistive.  Your antenna may be something quite
different.  You might say that the base K2 power output indication shows the
power that would be present if the antenna load were actually 50 ohms

If you have the KAT2 or KAT100 or KPA100 installed, they contain a true
wattmeter, but these must be properly calibrated to provide a good reading.

In general, wattmeters can be trusted to only 10 to 20% of their full scale
reading - so if you are reading on a 100 watt scale, the actual power may be
off by as much as 10 to 20 watts!!!
Use the lowest scale that will handle the power being measured.  Actually
some are better than that, but should not be trusted until they are properly
calibrated.  I calibrate (or verify) wattmeters by connecting a 50 ohm dummy
load and measuring the RF voltage across that load with my 'scope (an RF
Probe could also be used) - then do the math to determine the power.  When
using the 'scope, the formula I use is Vp-p ^2/400 and for an RF Probe that
reads RMS voltage the formula would be V^2/50 (these formulas are only for a
50 ohm load).  Check the dummy load beforehand with an antenna analyzer to
be certain it is a good 50 ohm resistor at the frequency you are using for
the calibration.  In other words, trust nothing for accuracy until it is


----- Original Message -----

I've probabaly seen this discussed before, but can't remember ...

I have noticed that the power output on my K2 differs from measures PEP
going to the antenna. Mostly it displays between 14.8and 15.2.

However, when measuring with a wattmeter and dummy load I notice that on 18m
I get 18W PEP, and on 15m down to 12W. On 10m it's at 8W.

So my question is, is the power level that you seen on the display really
just a scale for adjusting power, or is it at true reading. I'm starting to
wonder if my Watt meter is inaccurate (a Yaesu 60 model) ?

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Re: K2- Is the Power display really representative of PEP?

Robin Kiszka
Hi and thanks for the answers so far,

To give a bit more detail...

I'm not using any antenna tuner in my K2, it's the basic K2 with SSB module
and battery pack, but for the power out measurements I'm using a DC PSU.
I've set the K2 to CW and keyed the microphone, with the Power turned full

The output reading is on the YS-60 is using the 20 watt scale. The dummy
load is true 50 Ohms, and this is what I get...

Band   Mhz            K2 LCD       YS-60
80m    3.500          15.2                18
40m    7.050          14.8                16.5
20m    14.200        14.8                14.5
17m    18.150        14.8                14.5
15m    21.200        14.8                12
10m    28.500        14.8                8

It seems like a lot of disparity on 10m, but I would have thought that even
if the winding on the 10m toroid were not perfectly spaced, it shoudn't be
that far off?


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RE: K2- Is the Power display really representative of PEP?

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Robin, you're measuring REQUESTED power, not the actual power. The actual
power is shown on the bargraph.

The actual power appears on the LCD display ONLY in TUNE mode, not when you
key the mic.

Check the ALC action on 10 meters. (Press and hold the RF/ALC button so the
screen says ALC briefly). Now key the mic and talk. At least one bar on the
bargraph - the bar on the extreme RIGHT end - should flicker when you talk
on 10 meters.

The bargraph reads backwards when showing ALC so you won't forget which
meter mode you're in. The flickering bar says that he K2 is making all the
RF you are REQUESTING (by setting the POWER knob) and is beginning to back
down the audio gain automatically. (Within the limits of the circuits, the
more audio, the more RF output).

You may see several bars flicker on 40 meters. The RF stages in the K2 have
more gain on the lower frequencies. Ten meters tends to be the band where
the output is lowest. Still, you should see ONE bar flicker when the POWER
control is set for 10 watts.

If you aren't seeing one bar flicker in ALC mode, then the K2 isn't making
the full 10 watts on ten meters. You can verify that by pressing RF/ALC
again to go back to "rf" monitoring and talking into your mic. You probably
won't see all the bars light up, indicating 10 watts on peak.

Keep in mind that the RF output is "peak" reading, but the peaks may be very
brief. Normally you will see the last bar on the right flicker only slightly
at a full 10 watts.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Robin Kiszka-Kanowitz
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 9:09 AM
To: W3FPR - Don Wilhelm; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2- Is the Power display really representative of

Hi and thanks for the answers so far,

To give a bit more detail...

I'm not using any antenna tuner in my K2, it's the basic K2 with SSB module
and battery pack, but for the power out measurements I'm using a DC PSU.
I've set the K2 to CW and keyed the microphone, with the Power turned full

The output reading is on the YS-60 is using the 20 watt scale. The dummy
load is true 50 Ohms, and this is what I get...

Band   Mhz            K2 LCD       YS-60
80m    3.500          15.2                18
40m    7.050          14.8                16.5
20m    14.200        14.8                14.5
17m    18.150        14.8                14.5
15m    21.200        14.8                12
10m    28.500        14.8                8

It seems like a lot of disparity on 10m, but I would have thought that even
if the winding on the 10m toroid were not perfectly spaced, it shoudn't be
that far off?


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