[K2] K2 and Heil Pro Micro Headset ?

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[K2] K2 and Heil Pro Micro Headset ?

Michael Babineau-2
Is anyone out there in "Elecraft-land" using the Heil Pro Micro Headset (with either single sided or doubled sided headphone) on their K2 ?
This is the model similar to the Traveller but with an HC-6 mic element.

I finally got around to finishing my KSB2 and I am thinking that having a single sided headset that would work on my K2 or TS-50
(the K2 is wired for a Kenwood Mic) might be an nice added touch.  I am looking for opinions/feedback from anyone using this headset on the K2.

Thanks in advance.


Michael VE3WMB

P.S. In addition to the KSB2  I also installed a Rework Eliminators Internal Mic Adaptor kit for the K2 and it is very slick.  It makes it very easy to reconfigure the
K2 mic Jack for a different microphone and only requires removal of the left side panel on the K2 (i.e. you don't need to pull out your audio filter and  control board).
The usual disclaimer: No connections to Rework Eliminators except being a satisfied customer.      Link  is:   www.unpcbs.com    
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Re: [K2] K2 and Heil Pro Micro Headset ?

the same problem ! Looking forward to hearing the recommendation!