K2 Knob

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K2 Knob

William E. Twaddell
A friend of mine has an FT900 know on his K2.
Great change!!!
Anyone know where I can get one or what the part number is?

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Re: K2 Knob

Don Wilhelm-3

The part numbers and Yaesu phone number is on my website www.qsl.net/w3fpr -
look at the article dealing with an FT900 knob on the K2.  The price for the
knob was valid at the time I wrote it - but may have changed.

Just one other thought - If you only want the rubber tire, the FT900 rubber
tire will fit over the stock K2 knob with just a bit of stretching.  That
way you retain the orignal K2 knob and still have the smooth front knob edge
created by the tire.


----- Original Message -----

>A friend of mine has an FT900 know on his K2.
> Great change!!!
> Anyone know where I can get one or what the part number is?
> tnx
> 72
> Bill

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