K2 Mojo in ZL Land

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K2 Mojo in ZL Land


Being a recent returnee after 40yrs away and with only 40 CW qsos logged I
tend to stay up/down? On 80, although here in ZL-land the bottom end has
plenty of space available.  On the 14th after staying up latter than usual I
'just had to' tune the band before hitting the pit.

So it was that at 1100Z (Midnight LT) on 3503 I tune across K9DX calling CQ
with no takers.  I dive in not expecting a reply and was greeted with a
'ZL?' and after a few fills (not helped by my miss-sending the number in my
call sign in my excitement...more fills) I received a 459 for 15watts into a
5 band vertical on a steel roof with 4 radials.

This has to be the K2 Mojo I have heard so often on this reflector (plus
gray line in Illinois).   This is my first qso ever with the States.
What a great band to do it on!

Did a Happy Dance and went to bed contented.

73s,  Nigel ZL2DF

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Re: K2 Mojo in ZL Land

Nigel wrote:

> So it was that at 1100Z (Midnight LT) on 3503 I tune across K9DX calling CQ
> with no takers.  I dive in not expecting a reply and was greeted with a
> 'ZL?' and after a few fills (not helped by my miss-sending the number in my
> call sign in my excitement...more fills) I received a 459 for 15watts into a
> 5 band vertical on a steel roof with 4 radials.

Hi Nigel,

Congratulations on the QSO.  I suspect that you had a little help on the other
end...take a look at John's antenna system:


This is his 160 meter antenna...I don't know if he uses it on 80 as well.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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