K2, Mounting RFC11

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K2, Mounting RFC11

Ben Hofmann K1NT
Ok, I found a couple of messages in the files about
RFC11, but nothing decisive.

The manual says to mount it horizontally on the bottom
of the board, but the holes are almost on opposite
sides of the toroid.  This would mean routing the
wires around the side of the toroid to get to the
mounting holes, and wouldn't make it too awful secure
I wouldn't think.

How did all of you you mount your RFC11?  Pictures?


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Re: K2, Mounting RFC11

Don Wilhelm-3

Just put the wires in the holes, push it flat against the bottom of the
board, snug the wires on top and solder.  It WILL stay in place - not real
tight, but certainly good enough - there are a lot of K2s out there that
have RFC11 mounted just that way and I have seen no problem reports about it


----- Original Message -----

> Ok, I found a couple of messages in the files about
> RFC11, but nothing decisive.
> The manual says to mount it horizontally on the bottom
> of the board, but the holes are almost on opposite
> sides of the toroid.  This would mean routing the
> wires around the side of the toroid to get to the
> mounting holes, and wouldn't make it too awful secure
> I wouldn't think.
> How did all of you you mount your RFC11?  Pictures?

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