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A comment about the K2NB and the different reasons that we perceive as being
responsible for the lack of its improvement:
Just how much would an optimized NB design cost as to become prohibitive for
the average Elecraft customer ??? We already have a DSP option costing >$300
which many people think as very important and continue buying. An optimized
NB is guarantied to be both more important and more desirable feature, which
I doubt it very much can approach the above cost. (even if it did I, and
many other fellow Elecrafters would still go for it)

On the other hand, having such an expensive NB available does not
necessarily mean that the current design would have to be discontinued. I am
sure there are also many of us absolutely satisfied and delighted by the
current NB, and some lucky hams do not even get pulse noise ever at their
QTH's. These customers could still have the option of getting this K2NB at
its low cost and complexity, but for heaven's sake, give the rest of us
urban dwellers the chance to optimize our K2s.

Marinos, ki4gin

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Re: K2 NB

Stewart Baker
Interesting comments Marinos,

Had not thought of NB improvements in the same light as KDSP2 costs.
It would be nice to think of the K2 as an evolving design, but have not noticed
much evidence of that recently. Small CW rigs seem to be the way it's going.

Stewart G3RXQ

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 14:35:31 +0000, Marinos Markomanolakis, M.D. wrote:

> A comment about the K2NB and the different reasons that we perceive as being
> responsible for the lack of its improvement:
> Just how much would an optimized NB design cost as to become prohibitive for
> the average Elecraft customer ??? We already have a DSP option costing >$300
> which many people think as very important and continue buying. An optimized
> NB is guarantied to be both more important and more desirable feature, which
> I doubt it very much can approach the above cost. (even if it did I, and
> many other fellow Elecrafters would still go for it)
> On the other hand, having such an expensive NB available does not
> necessarily mean that the current design would have to be discontinued. I am
> sure there are also many of us absolutely satisfied and delighted by the
> current NB, and some lucky hams do not even get pulse noise ever at their
> QTH's. These customers could still have the option of getting this K2NB at
> its low cost and complexity, but for heaven's sake, give the rest of us
> urban dwellers the chance to optimize our K2s.
> Marinos, ki4gin

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K2 NB design contest ?

Hi Stewart,
I have to admit that fortunately the K2 has been a design in progress at
least for the last 4 years that I know about Elecraft and its products. My
1st K2 was serial# 26xx, and having built my 2nd one recently #4618, I have
seen many significant improvements.

This is the greatest thing about this radio: Improved versions are adopted,
but the earlier models remain upgradable and you do not have to worry about
buying another K2 down the road in order to get the newer version (eg 756

I really do not think that the K2NB will become the exception to this, and I
am happy to see some immediate positive comments from Wayne, N6KR  about the
project. I personally can not point to a specific design source that
Elecraft can hire to help, but have an interesting idea:

What if Elecraft declared a K2NB "design contest", where every one with the
necessary technical background would be welcome to experiment and then
submit his final design to Elecraft for evaluation. The best design could be
selected and the inventor rewarded with a specific winning price.....
This way everyone can be benefited and we can expect to see an improvement
within a reasonable time frame.

Just some (maybe crazy) ideas.

Marinos, ki4gin

>From: Stewart Baker <[hidden email]>
>To: "Marinos Markomanolakis, M.D."
><[hidden email]>,<[hidden email]>
>CC: <[hidden email]>
>Subject: Re: K2 NB
>Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:41:20 GMT
>Interesting comments Marinos,
>Had not thought of NB improvements in the same light as KDSP2 costs.
>It would be nice to think of the K2 as an evolving design, but have not
>much evidence of that recently. Small CW rigs seem to be the way it's
>Stewart G3RXQ
>On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 14:35:31 +0000, Marinos Markomanolakis, M.D. wrote:
> > A comment about the K2NB and the different reasons that we perceive as
> >
> > responsible for the lack of its improvement:
> > Just how much would an optimized NB design cost as to become prohibitive
> > the average Elecraft customer ??? We already have a DSP option costing
> >$300
> > which many people think as very important and continue buying. An
> > NB is guarantied to be both more important and more desirable feature,
> > I doubt it very much can approach the above cost. (even if it did I, and
> > many other fellow Elecrafters would still go for it)
> >
> > On the other hand, having such an expensive NB available does not
> > necessarily mean that the current design would have to be discontinued.
>I am
> > sure there are also many of us absolutely satisfied and delighted by the
> > current NB, and some lucky hams do not even get pulse noise ever at
> > QTH's. These customers could still have the option of getting this K2NB
> > its low cost and complexity, but for heaven's sake, give the rest of us
> > urban dwellers the chance to optimize our K2s.
> >
> > Marinos, ki4gin

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RE: K2 NB design contest ?

Steven Pituch
Gee, my K2 #402 is going gangbusters and I still haven't done any mods yet.
I can't imagine it having better basic performance. I hear those original
test batch K2s (under sn 100) still kick ass too.  I think the basic
performance hasn't really changed much.  I don’t think it can get much

Steve, W2MY

Marinos said:
My 1st K2 was serial# 26xx, and having built my 2nd one recently #4618, I
have seen many significant improvements.

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Re: K2 NB design contest ?

I've upgraded a couple old K2 including one for a friend that was Serial #
5** and you'd be suprised at the performance after the upgrades.  One
upgrade may not do a lot but if you bring your early K2 up to current level
it'll blow your socks off compared to what you have now.  Not to Dis the
unit you now have as we all know they are great rigs, but what's wrong with
making a great rig better?

Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI, Un-Retired
K2/100 SN 3075

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Pituch" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 1:03 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2 NB design contest ?

Gee, my K2 #402 is going gangbusters and I still haven't done any mods yet.
I can't imagine it having better basic performance. I hear those original
test batch K2s (under sn 100) still kick ass too.  I think the basic
performance hasn't really changed much.  I don’t think it can get much

Steve, W2MY

Marinos said:
My 1st K2 was serial# 26xx, and having built my 2nd one recently #4618, I
have seen many significant improvements.

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Re: K2 NB design contest ?

Don Nesbitt
In reply to this post by Marinos
This is a GREAT idea!  There are so many extremely technically gifted guys
and gals out there with a keen interest in Elecraft and the K2 that I'll bet
it would be a huge success!  Alas, I'm not one of the technically gifted so
I can't do a thing with the design but would be very willing to be a beta
tester!  Thanks for suggesting it!  73 es gud dx  --don n4hh K2/100 #2028,
KAT100, etc, etc!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marinos Markomanolakis, M.D." <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Cc: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 1:41 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K2 NB design contest ?

> This is the greatest thing about this radio: Improved versions are
> but the earlier models remain upgradable and you do not have to worry
> buying another K2 down the road in order to get the newer version (eg 756
> "family").


> What if Elecraft declared a K2NB "design contest", where every one with
> necessary technical background would be welcome to experiment and then
> submit his final design to Elecraft for evaluation. The best design could
> selected and the inventor rewarded with a specific winning price.....
> This way everyone can be benefited and we can expect to see an improvement
> within a reasonable time frame.


> Marinos, ki4gin

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RE: K2 NB design contest ?

Steven Pituch
In reply to this post by W9DHI
Well I guess there's the SSB crystal mod, and the ones to make it better
with the amp, and the keying one for PSK, but I don't recall one mod yet
that would improve the basic QRP CW rig receiver-wise.  I think the Elecraft
team designed a great radio to begin with, and made sure it was good before
they released it, and the mods are more to accommodate a lot of the options
that came later.  I am doing OK in the Foxhunts and don't want to change a
good thing.  In other words, I don't want to chance messing up the rig right
now.   ;.)

If the performance problem was on CW, perhaps your friend's sn 5** rig was
not aligned correctly originally.

Steve, W2MY/5
QRP/ARCI 8351, FPQRP 1025, NJQRP 25,
QRP-L 269, FISTS 3150, ARS 142, NEQRP 281, NWQRP ??, 10-10 61720, NORCAL
691, K2 #402

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregg R. Lengling [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 1:12 PM
To: Steven Pituch; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 NB design contest ?

I've upgraded a couple old K2 including one for a friend that was Serial #
5** and you'd be suprised at the performance after the upgrades.  One
upgrade may not do a lot but if you bring your early K2 up to current level
it'll blow your socks off compared to what you have now.  Not to Dis the
unit you now have as we all know they are great rigs, but what's wrong with
making a great rig better?

Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI, Un-Retired
K2/100 SN 3075

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Re: K2 NB design contest ?

Actually I had to repair and align his rig before I even attempted to do any
upgrades (he bought it that way, not in very good shape).  But even for CW
upgrading the CW waveform and doing the Stability mod and the xtal filter
upgrades will improve things quite a bit.

Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI, Un-Retired
K2/100 SN 3075

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Pituch" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2 NB design contest ?

> Well I guess there's the SSB crystal mod, and the ones to make it better
> with the amp, and the keying one for PSK, but I don't recall one mod yet
> that would improve the basic QRP CW rig receiver-wise.  I think the
> Elecraft
> team designed a great radio to begin with, and made sure it was good
> before
> they released it, and the mods are more to accommodate a lot of the
> options
> that came later.  I am doing OK in the Foxhunts and don't want to change a
> good thing.  In other words, I don't want to chance messing up the rig
> right
> now.   ;.)
> If the performance problem was on CW, perhaps your friend's sn 5** rig was
> not aligned correctly originally.
> Regards,
> Steve, W2MY/5
> http://users.ev1.net/~spituch/
> QRP/ARCI 8351, FPQRP 1025, NJQRP 25,
> QRP-L 269, FISTS 3150, ARS 142, NEQRP 281, NWQRP ??, 10-10 61720, NORCAL
> 691, K2 #402
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gregg R. Lengling [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 1:12 PM
> To: Steven Pituch; [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 NB design contest ?
> I've upgraded a couple old K2 including one for a friend that was Serial #
> 5** and you'd be suprised at the performance after the upgrades.  One
> upgrade may not do a lot but if you bring your early K2 up to current
> level
> it'll blow your socks off compared to what you have now.  Not to Dis the
> unit you now have as we all know they are great rigs, but what's wrong
> with
> making a great rig better?
> Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI, Un-Retired
> K2/100 SN 3075
> http://www.milwaukeehdtv.org
> --
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.7 - Release Date: 2/10/2005
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: [hidden email]
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Re: K2 NB

In reply to this post by Marinos
>We already have a DSP option costing >$300 which many
>people think as very important and continue buying.

Actually, it is a paltry $219 :-)

Lyle KK7P/VK6
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Re: K2 NB design contest ?

Thom LaCosta
In reply to this post by W9DHI
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, Gregg R. Lengling wrote:

> I've upgraded a couple old K2 including one for a friend that was Serial #
> 5** and you'd be suprised at the performance after the upgrades.  One upgrade
> may not do a lot but if you bring your early K2 up to current level it'll
> blow your socks off compared to what you have now.  Not to Dis the unit you
> now have as we all know they are great rigs, but what's wrong with making a
> great rig better?

OK....my serial number is 633.  It was built by one of the "high volume"
builders on this list since I have a few disabilities that make building
close to impossible.

So, if there are any builders who do work for elderly/disable folks...let me
know what you think should be done a unit of that vintage.

It has ssb, 160, nb and the battery.

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Re: K2 NB

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
In reply to this post by Marinos
Morning Marinos,

Very interesting thoughts. There must be a huge pool of technical knowledge
and practical know-how amongst Elecraft's customers, a powerful combination.
Now if we could also eliminate storm static QRN - a tough nut to crack !!

Geoff     GM4ESD

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marinos Markomanolakis, M.D." <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Cc: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 2:35 PM
Subject: K2 NB

> A comment about the K2NB and the different reasons that we perceive as
> responsible for the lack of its improvement:
> Just how much would an optimized NB design cost as to become prohibitive
> the average Elecraft customer ??? We already have a DSP option costing
> which many people think as very important and continue buying. An
> NB is guarantied to be both more important and more desirable feature,
> I doubt it very much can approach the above cost. (even if it did I, and
> many other fellow Elecrafters would still go for it)
> On the other hand, having such an expensive NB available does not
> necessarily mean that the current design would have to be discontinued. I
> sure there are also many of us absolutely satisfied and delighted by the
> current NB, and some lucky hams do not even get pulse noise ever at their
> QTH's. These customers could still have the option of getting this K2NB at
> its low cost and complexity, but for heaven's sake, give the rest of us
> urban dwellers the chance to optimize our K2s.
> Marinos, ki4gin

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