K2 No Power

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K2 No Power

John Huffman-2
I am putting my KPA100 into an EC2 cabinet.

Built the KIO2 today.  It worked fine with my cable from the K2 to my computer.

To the existing cable, that had a breakout to my KAT100, I added a DB9 that daisy chained off the KAT100 DB9 to a new DB9 for the

I'm running two power supplies, one for the KPA100 and one for the KAT100 and the K2.

Connected the power supplies, connected the coax from the KAT100 to the KPA100 and from the KPA100 to the K2.

Connected the DB9 from the K2 to the computer and from the K2 to the KAT100 and then to the KPA100.

Turned on the K2 but nothing lights up.  Disconnected all but the power supply from the K2 but nothing happens when I turn it on.

Removed the KIO2 from the K2, but still nothing when I turn it on.  Power is showing on the back side of the J3 power connector.

Let's hope it's something easy....

Suggestions needed.

73 de K1ESE

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