Yes, ignore that inductor change. The inductor necessary depends a lot on
the crystal that shipped with your kit, and the proper value has changed
from 10 uH to 12 uH and back a few times over the life of the K2. Put in
the 10 uH (or re-use the one that is currently installed) and wait until you
do the PLL range test before becoming concerned.
Also relevant - check th eElecraft Builder's Resource Page on the Elecraft
website and you will see a new note stating that a PLL range of 8.8 to 18
kHz is an acceptable range.
> -----Original Message-----
> I recently purchased the K2 PLL Temp Comp mod kit, and it came with Rev
> D (3 Feb 04) instructions. A couple places in the instructions mention
> replacing L31 (originally 10uH, which my rig has) with a 12 uH inductor.
> Yet the parts list states it should be a 10 uH, and I was shipped a 10 uH.
> Which is right? Considering the instruction sheet is over a year old, I
> would have thought any typos would have been caught by now.
> --
> 73,
> Mike Boice, KW1ND
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