K2 RF Part C61

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K2 RF Part C61

Gary Hvizdak
Moments ago Mike Weir (VE3WDM) wrote ...

Good evening all,
Have been working on the RF board today at home and on page 52 I am asked to
place C61 (103) on the board.  Well on the parts list there is no C61 listed
and there is none in the errata listed as an add on. Just before I go and
throw a 103 in C61's spot want to make sure I am not missing anything.
Better safe than sorry.
Thanks for your help
Mike Weir


Hi Mike,

    Yes, better to be safe and ask.  FYI, below is what the previous (rev F)
manual lists for the .01 Monolithic Cap, "103" (Elecraft's PN E530009).

C52, C53, C54, C55, C58, C61,
C62, C63, C87, C95, C107, C108,
C109, C110, C113, C114, C115,
C118, C119, C120, C121, C129,
C135, C141, C142, C143, C145,
C146 C155, C158, C159, C160,
C161, C163, C164, C165, C168,
C172, C175, C181, C183, C184,

    Apparently the PDF conversion hid the top-most line.  I assert this with
confidence because when I searched for C61, it highlighted the region just
above C107 (in your rev G manual PDF).  In addition, if you look closely,
you will noticed that the bottom of the commas for the line C52 .. C61
actually did render.

    BTW, this may already be in the errata as I'm aware of at least one
such/similar parts table rendering issue in the rev. G manual, from off
Reflector correspondence with Ron (AC7AC).

Gary  KI4GGX

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