K2 Remote Control

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K2 Remote Control


> Introducing the Elecraft T1 20-Watt Automatic Antenna Tuner
>    and optional T1-FT817 Adapter
> Ever wish you had a pocket-sized, high-performance ATU to use with
> low-power 160 through 6-meter transceivers? The Elecraft T1 may be just
> what you've been waiting for. It's one-fourth the size of other compact
> ATUs, yet its 7-inductor, 7-capacitor L-network provides a wide
> matching range and can handle up to 20 watts SSB/CW and 10 watts
> AM/FM/digital. The T1 is the ultimate backpacking/HF Pack accessory,
> weighing only 5 ounces (0.14 kg) including its internal 9-volt battery.
> The T1 can be used with any 0.5-W to 20-W transceiver. This includes
> home-built rigs, kits, and commercial transceivers such as the FT817,
> IC703, Argonaut, SG2020, and many others. Users of rigs that have no
> built-in transmit metering will benefit from the T1's 3-LED, 5-level
> bargraph, which displays approximate power output at the touch of a
> button, as well as SWR during auto-tune.
> Coax-fed antennas such as dipoles, verticals, short whips, and beams
> will work with the T1, as well as random-wire antennas, with our
> without feedline. The T1 will allow most antennas to be used on
> multiple bands -- in some cases covering the entire HF through 6-meter
> range with a single wire. Balanced feedlines can be used with the aid
> of a low-loss balun such as our model BL1.
> The T1 always tries to achieve a 1.0:1 SWR -- it doesn’t stop trying at
> 1.5:1 like many auto-tuners. And you won’t even need to change modes to
> tune, since you can use SSB voice or a keyer as well as a constant
> carrier. Many L-C network settings are saved in the T1's EEPROM memory,
> providing re-tune times of typically 1 to 2 seconds.
> Other features include:
> - auto power-off and latching relays for long battery life
> - bypass mode
> - ATU information report (present L and C values, battery voltage, etc.)
> - low-battery warning
> - reverse-polarity protection
> - rugged enclosure
> - quick-reference guide on the front panel
> FT-817 Adapter (model T1-FT817)
> Our “smart” remote control cable for use with the Yaesu FT-817 offers
> the ultimate in antenna-tuning convenience. On any band change, a small
> microcontroller built into the cable sends band data from the FT-817 to
> the T1, which then recalls the appropriate per-band network settings.
> This means instant QSY without the need to transmit -- less QRM, less
> hassle. The T1's remote-control capabilities are fully documented in
> the owner's manual so that users of other transceivers can create their
> own T1 interface. (We may also offer adapter cables for other rigs in
> the future.)
> Pricing, Photos, and Further Information
> The T1 can be purchased factory assembled and tested for $159, or as a
> complete, easy-to-build kit for $135 (all surface-mount components are
> pre-installed, and there's no alignment or test equipment needed). The
> T1-FT817 remote control adapter is $49 (assembled only). For further
> details, photos, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the
> T1, please visit our web site:
>     http://www.elecraft.com
> 73,
> Wayne, N6KR
> Eric, WA6HHQ
> ---
> http://www.elecraft.com
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