[K2] Remote KPA100 Bias Current Adjustment

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[K2] Remote KPA100 Bias Current Adjustment

Brian - N5BCN
Hi all,

I recently completed a KPA100 and initially did the testing in my K2 as a K2/100.

The ultimate goal, however, was to remote it in a EC2 enclosure with a KAT100-2.  The KPA100 is now successfully integrated with the KAT100-2.

The question: should I redo the bias current adjustment now since the original adjustment was made in the K2 and now it's in the KAT100-2?


N5BCN - Brian
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Re: [K2] Remote KPA100 Bias Current Adjustment

Don Wilhelm-4

If the PA idling current was adjusted to 400 ma (increase over RX
current), then the KPA100 bias should be correct whether operated in the
base K2 enclosure or in a remote enclosure.

In other words, it should make no difference whether it is mounted on
the base K2 or in an external enclosure.  If you want to do a double
check just to be certain, then by all means do it.  The current during
the test (CW Test mode - which produces no RF, and TUNE) should increase
the current draw by 400 ma over the receive current draw.  The Receive
current draw by the KPA100 will be much smaller with the KPA100 mounted


On 5/11/2011 12:25 AM, Brian - N5BCN wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently completed a KPA100 and initially did the testing in my K2 as a
> K2/100.
> The ultimate goal, however, was to remote it in a EC2 enclosure with a
> KAT100-2.  The KPA100 is now successfully integrated with the KAT100-2.
> The question: should I redo the bias current adjustment now since the
> original adjustment was made in the K2 and now it's in the KAT100-2?
> 73
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Re: [K2] Remote KPA100 Bias Current Adjustment

Brian - N5BCN
Hi Don,

Perhaps against my better judgement, I adjusted the bias current of the KPA100 in the KAT100-2 remoted from the K2.  Now I'm thoroughly confused! :-(

The current measurements of the KPA100 in the K2 make sense to me:
Power < 11 W, Current ~ 380 mA
Power > 11 W, Current ~ 520 mA
Power > 11 + Fan on Lo, Current ~ 565 mA
Add 400 mA for the bias current, and you get a target of ~965 mA.

The current measurements of the KPA100 in the KAT100-2 remoted from the K2:
Power < 11 W, Current ~ 88 mA
Power > 11 W, Current ~ 229 mA

This makes sense to me because the KPA100 is providing power to the KAT100-2 now, which apparently draws a lot less current than the K2 plus options.

Here's what doesn't make sense to me:
Turning on the fan now that it's in the KAT100-2 does not increase the KPA100's current draw at all, but it makes the current draw of the K2 go up!

The only connection between the K2 and the KPA100/KAT100 is the data cable connecting the RS-232 ports.  Is this data cable providing current to power the fan?!  If so, how do I factor all this into figuring out a target for the bias current adjustment?  Do I add 400 mA to the 229 mA value and be done with it?

Thanks for straightening me out!!


N5BCN - Brian

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Re: [K2] Remote KPA100 Bias Current Adjustment

Don Wilhelm-4

Don't worry about the fan - so set it to "nor".  Observe the current
into the KPA100 and add 400 ma. That is your target for the initial
collector current.  Take the KAT100 out of the picture for this
adjustment - unplug the AUX DC cable from the KAT100.  When you go to CW
TEST mode and TUNE (with power set to greater than 11 watts), the
current rise should be set as close to 400 ma as possible - if the
receive current is  230 ma, you would adjust the bias so that the
initial TX current is 630 ma.  The current will increase rapidly during
the TUNE interval, so watch you DMM initially - the first displayed
reading may be invalid due to timing, but the second is the reading you
want.  Exit and re-enter TUNE as many times as required to get it right.


On 5/11/2011 11:35 PM, Brian - N5BCN wrote:

> Hi Don,
> Perhaps against my better judgement, I adjusted the bias current of the
> KPA100 in the KAT100-2 remoted from the K2.  Now I'm thoroughly confused!
> :-(
> The current measurements of the KPA100 in the K2 make sense to me:
> Power<  11 W, Current ~ 380 mA
> Power>  11 W, Current ~ 520 mA
> Power>  11 + Fan on Lo, Current ~ 565 mA
> Add 400 mA for the bias current, and you get a target of ~965 mA.
> The current measurements of the KPA100 in the KAT100-2 remoted from the K2:
> Power<  11 W, Current ~ 88 mA
> Power>  11 W, Current ~ 229 mA
> This makes sense to me because the KPA100 is providing power to the KAT100-2
> now, which apparently draws a lot less current than the K2 plus options.
> Here's what doesn't make sense to me:
> Turning on the fan now that it's in the KAT100-2 does not increase the
> KPA100's current draw at all, but it makes the current draw of the K2 go up!
> The only connection between the K2 and the KPA100/KAT100 is the data cable
> connecting the RS-232 ports.  Is this data cable providing current to power
> the fan?!  If so, how do I factor all this into figuring out a target for
> the bias current adjustment?  Do I add 400 mA to the 229 mA value and be
> done with it?
> Thanks for straightening me out!!
> 73
> N5BCN - Brian
> -----
> K2 #6800 KPA100/KAT100-2, KSB2, KAT2, KIO2, K160RX, KNB2, KAF2, LP-PAN/K2 w/ Pre-amp, SignaLink USB
> --
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> Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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