although some options (including the KAT2) not installed I
decided to give my new K2 a chance tonight.
I'll be qrv (CW only -- KSB2 not installed) mainly on 40m
in the range of 7025 to 7030 kHz using the vertical or
dipole antenna at DK0SU and (...if everything works as
expected) operation will start 20:30 UTC.
Callsign will be DK0SU, power at 5 or 10 Watts.
Pictures and information of this clubstation available at:
http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akafunk/main.htmlHope some of you may copy me, actual frequencies will be
announced on the #elecraft IRC-Channel.
Hey! we got a nice QSL card with a Smith-Diagram so
sharpen your ears...
Thomas, DF7TV
Thomas Martin, Stuttgart, Germany
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