just being glad to be within the Elecraft K2 community
again with my fourth K2 which passed the final test
Well the speaker needs to be fixed to the top cover and
there are some options (K160RX, KAF2, KNB2, KAT2, KSB2) to
be added but I don't expect any difficulties to occur.
Hope to meet some of you when I take the K2 to our
clubstation DK0SU. Our tower for the X7 beam will not be
available for some time because of repairment but the
vertical antenna and a dipole are still there so chances
are good we meet on the 40m band soon...and at least
during the next Elecraft QSO Party.
(...I got to improve my EQP result and reducing power from
the 15Watts of our TS-850S this year to 5Watts of the K2
next year will help by getting three points per QSO
instead of only two points.)
Thomas Martin, Stuttgart, Germany
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