K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

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K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

Jim Harris-4
Hi to everyone,

K2 s/n 4787 was received yesterday (3/2/5) at about
1:20pm via UPS.  At about 15 hours into the experience
I have the control board and front panel complete and
just starting the RF board.  Several comments.....

How did they squeeze all that into one box!

On the control board I mislocated one capacitor.  All
resistance measurements were fine.

On the front panel board while trying to add SSB
components after the fact I managed to slightly burn
the edge of a push button.  Wish the instructions had
mentioned to put the low SSB components in before the
higher and vulnerable parts were added.

On both completed boards an IC ending in "06" on the
parts list actually ended in "16".  I'm reasonable
sure I got them right by a process of elimination.

I'm inventorying each board as it is begun.  There is
not enough space on my work bench nor do I have enough
spare parts trays to do the whole inventory at once.
I may be missing 2-3 parts on the RF board.  But, I've
learned already to wait and see if they turn up in
another bag.  The torrids cores were confusing at
start but seem to have worked out okay.  At this point
capacitors for the RF board are a wild blur.  I'm sure
I have not correctly identified at least a third of
them.  Many numbers on the caps are simply not in the
parts list.  If anyone has a good way to ID them I
would be pleased to hear from you.  Measuring them so
far has proved somewhat futile with a simple DVM with
a capacitance measuring function.  Several resistor
packs have not had the right part numbers.  So far
I've been able to ID them by measureing them.

My impression so far is that there are components of
some of the accessories to be installed on the three
main boards but when and sometimes how is not always

With the kit I purchased an Elecraft/Heil MD2
microphone.  Apparently a resistor is to be added on
the back of the mic plug on the front panel board.  I
have two other Heil mics.  Can they be used on the K2
with or without this resistor?

I'm trying to take a few pictures as things progress.
I'll try to find a way to post them when finished.

Thanks for listing guys.  This is quiet an

Jim, AB0UK

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RE: K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Jim, AB0UK, wrote:

I'm inventorying each board as it is begun.  ... At this point capacitors
for the RF board are a wild blur.  I'm sure I have not correctly identified
at least a third of them.  Many numbers on the caps are simply not in the
parts list.  If anyone has a good way to ID them I would be pleased to hear
from you.  Measuring them so far has proved somewhat futile with a simple
DVM with a capacitance measuring function.  Several resistor packs have not
had the right part numbers.  So far I've been able to ID them by measureing

My impression so far is that there are components of
some of the accessories to be installed on the three
main boards but when and sometimes how is not always


Wow, Jim! I'm surprised you are finding so many irregularities in the parts

I've written the assembly instructions on some of the more recent Elecraft
kits like the XV transverters, the KX1 and the new T1 tuner. From what I've
seen the parts are very much the same as when I built my K2 five years ago.

On the caps there ARE a lot of other marks in addition to the numbers shown
in parenthesis, but the right parts in the kit are the ONLY ones with the
numbers shown somewhere on them. The value (like 103 for a .01 ufd cap) is
often followed by the letter "j", but otherwise is usually on a line of its
own on the cap. As the section on parts i.d. explains, the numbering is very
similar to resistors only done in digits: 103 = 10000 pf or 0.01 ufd. Many
of the smaller caps have the actual value like (10) for a 10 pF cap since
there's no need for a multiplier. If the numbers in paren. in the text are
on the part somewhere, it should be the right cap.

The resistor pack situation you found is a real surprise. Those things are a
real monster if you put the wrong in the wrong place (I did once, and
managed to remove it in one piece without a high-powered vacuum desolderer,
but it's the sort of thing one doesn't want to do twice in a lifetime!) I
don't blame you for being concerned about that.  

Many of the I.C.s have a couple of different possible numbers because there
are a couple of interchangeable types used, but I thought they were called
out in the errata.

Drop [hidden email] a note if you have a question. Gary will not only
confirm your part i.d., but if there is an issue that hasn't been
documented, he'll get the ball rolling to include the info in future kits.

I recommend building the basic K2 first. There's very little rework required
to add the accessories, and doing the basic unit as described in the K2
assembly manual means that you can check it out according to the manual and
be sure all is well before adding the other modules. I'd ignore the other
modules until the K2 is up and  running. That's how I built ol S/N 1289!

As for fitting everything in that box, every time Wayne designs a new rig, I
have to buy a stronger magnifier!

Today I lost entire whole circuit board assembly for my T1 tuner prototype.
Hunted all over for it for an hour. I had dropped a QSL card on my desk.
Yep, it was hidden under the card.


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Re: K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

Margaret Leber
In reply to this post by Jim Harris-4
Jim Harris wrote:

> On the front panel board while trying to add SSB
> components after the fact I managed to slightly burn
> the edge of a push button.  Wish the instructions had
> mentioned to put the low SSB components in before the
> higher and vulnerable parts were added.

Having just been through that part of the build too, I agree with Jim...
the top-of-board soldering for the KSB2 connector is is just the dickens
to do with the plastic pots and buttons in place; I made it through
without toasting anything but it would have been *so* much easier to do
  before the top got crowded with tall meltable things. Is there a
reason this is where it is in sequence other than "Uh-oh, they're about
to mate the FP board to the panel and wire the enccoder; drop in the
KSB2 parts now because it will be inconvenient later"?  If not, I say
move it to someplace earlier.

Another suggestion: Whenever you cue the installation of the KSB parts
on the FP, repeat the warning about component height/lead length for Q3
  that was issued for Q3 and Q2...I forgot about it and I had to monkey
with Q3 after installation to allow the FP board to fit properly against
the metal panel.

I'm still delighted with the kit, of course...

  73 de Maggie K3XS (K2 S/N 1641), who needs to go get more solder in
the morning; that "no-lead" stuff with silver in it stinks.

-----/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
----/(, /|  /| http://voicenet.com/~maggie SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _    `  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_      K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '        .-/ .-/        ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/________________(_/_(_/_______AMSAT 32844_/<[hidden email]>/

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Re: K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

Jim Wiley-2
In reply to this post by Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Haw Haw!!  And I thought I was then only one who did things like that!  
I once looked for a part for two days.  It was sitting on my workbench,
more or less in plain sight,  the whole time.

- Jim, KL7CC

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote

><snip>  Today I lost entire whole circuit board assembly for my T1 tuner prototype.  Hunted all over for it for an hour. I had dropped a QSL card on my desk. Yep, it was hidden under the card.  


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R: K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

In reply to this post by Jim Harris-4
So I'm not the only one......
What a relief!

73 de Giulio IW3HVB


On the front panel board while trying to add SSB components after the fact I
managed to slightly burn the edge of a push button.  Wish the instructions
had mentioned to put the low SSB components in before the higher and
vulnerable parts were added.

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Re: K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL
In reply to this post by Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

> I'm inventorying each board as it is begun.  ... At this point capacitors
> for the RF board are a wild blur.  I'm sure I have not correctly identified
> at least a third of them.  Many numbers on the caps are simply not in the
> parts list.  If anyone has a good way to ID them I would be pleased to hear

English is not my mother tongue. I am not a technician.
However, I managed to identify all the capacitors. Some of them are
tiny, you could use magnifier. Remember to check both sides of
capacitors. I had some difficulties identifying because I looked another
side of capacitors.

> DVM with a capacitance measuring function.  Several resistor packs have not
> had the right part numbers.  So far I've been able to ID them by measureing

Right! There were some different numbers. This topic was covered in list
archives. Multimeter helped. I had some red resistor packs with "wrong"
numbers when comparing to inventory list. Their resistance was OK.

Rolf Moberg
(s/n 4759 waiting to be built)

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RE: K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

In reply to this post by Ron D'Eau Claire-2
        I am only speaking from my experience and this may be a childish
statement from your point of view, and I am not trying to be smart or
anything like that, but be sure and look at both sides of the capacitors.
Some of them have numbers on both sides. I got in a hurry when doing my
inventory and could not find a couple of capacitors because I made this
mistake. But then again, that's me. I'm sure you are already aware of this
but I thought I would mention it.
        I actually called Elecraft and told them I was missing a couple of
caps because of this. I had egg on my face when I realized what I had done.
The plus side is that I had a couple of caps for my junk box. Hi Hi

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216

Jim, AB0UK, wrote:

I'm inventorying each board as it is begun.  ... At this point capacitors
for the RF board are a wild blur.  I'm sure I have not correctly identified
at least a third of them.  Many numbers on the caps are simply not in the
parts list.  If anyone has a good way to ID them I would be pleased to hear
from you.  Measuring them so far has proved somewhat futile with a simple
DVM with a capacitance measuring function.  Several resistor packs have not
had the right part numbers.  So far I've been able to ID them by measureing

My impression so far is that there are components of
some of the accessories to be installed on the three
main boards but when and sometimes how is not always


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RE: K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

Hisashi T Fujinaka
I've been doing electronics for years and there's some pattern matching
you have to do when sorting out parts. Especially caps and resistor
packs. It's not completely automatic like resistors used to be. (I say
used to be because I could swear the colors were clearer when I was
younger. :) )

I'd take all the capacitors and group them together first. Then you know
that you have 12 marked "104" (for example) and then look on the list to
see which capacitor you should have 12 of. Once in a while Elecraft gets
the counts wrong so make sure you double check the values and ask here
if you have to.

> Jim, AB0UK, wrote:
> I'm inventorying each board as it is begun.  ... At this point capacitors
> for the RF board are a wild blur.  I'm sure I have not correctly identified
> at least a third of them.  Many numbers on the caps are simply not in the
> parts list.  If anyone has a good way to ID them I would be pleased to hear
> from you.  Measuring them so far has proved somewhat futile with a simple
> DVM with a capacitance measuring function.  Several resistor packs have not
> had the right part numbers.  So far I've been able to ID them by measureing
> them.

Hisashi T Fujinaka - [hidden email]
BSEE(6/86) + BSChem(3/95) + BAEnglish(8/95) + MSCS(8/03) + $2.50 = latte
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