K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

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K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

Jim Harris-4
Hi Everyone,

First my thanks to everyone who has responed to my
previous email on the same subject.

Just a quick progress report.  I've proceeded thru
part one alignment of the RF board.  Functioned as
designed!!  Also have finished the voltage(?), freq
counter and RF probes.

The only additional situation I've found is that the
masking tape on the cover parts is not as described.

My thanks to everyone on their suggestions on
capacitor values.  As most RF board capacitor are
inserted after part one I still haven't determined how
I am going to handle them.  Some are simliar to those
on the two earlier boards and they should prove no
problem.  The problems will be the ceramic disk and
the dipped little blue guys.  The ceramic only have a
simple number and in many cases that number is not in
the parts list.  I've made good progress thus far in
IDing parts as all test thus far have been successful.
 So, I'm relatively confident I'll be able to somehow
work them out at the right time.

The missing parts I refered to earlier appear to have
been found.  No panic there.

Someone also mentioned about joing in a CW net Sunday
night.  I'm not sure I'll be ready by then.  Still got
lots of work including sorting out caps and winding
torrids.  Stuffing the board and soldering is a
breeze...other things take more time.

Have a great day!

Jim, AB0UK

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