K2 S/n 01432 Back In Production..

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K2 S/n 01432 Back In Production..

Andy Cunningham-2

Andy...GM0NWI...here in Stirling..."Bonnie Scotland".... Firstly let me say
"Happy New Year For 2005" to everyone on the list...I hope that the "festive
season" was as you expected...!  And lets hope
that 2005 will be a much better year for everyone worldwide than the
previous one...

Just to let you all know...that "if" you HAD been following the "GM0NWI K2 A
Man On A Mission" series over the months last year...following my "journey"
in the construction of my "Fully Loaded K2"...you'll know already that I had
to stop constrcution for a while due to "major House Refurbishment"....

Glad to say that "..2005 Brings Another Year.." and that the house
refurbishement...long as it was (way over due in completion)....has finally
came to an end at the end of last year...! I had however to attend to the
"finer points" of it myself...and as you may or may not know...I require
some help in doin this due to my physical disability and bein confined to my

I am however...postin' this "note" to y'all to let you know that as of today
(26/01/05)...I endeavour to start construction again of the rig....and
therefore will "hopefully" be able to post regular "updates" to my progress
as we go along....

IF anyone is interested in following the progress...same "drill" as before,
...I'll post to the list what I have done ...hopefully with some follow-up
pictures of my work....

Looking forward to catchin' up with all you guys..!  Feedback/Comments on
the "K2 Mission".....greatly appreciated....

[hidden email]          "...I Just See It.!.."  John A. Ross
(RSD Communications circa 2004)
"..It is vain to do with more....             "A Dis-Orientated Kiwi...
"K2 S/n 01432 Soon To Be On-Air"
what can be done with less..             In The Northern Hemisphere..."

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Alaska QRP Club No.190
Flying Pigs QRP Club No. FP#-1061
ICQ No.31899603

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