K2 S/n 01432..Frequecy Counter Probe...Question..?

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K2 S/n 01432..Frequecy Counter Probe...Question..?

Andy Cunningham-2
Guy's..! ..(Don..! Hope You See This..)

After yesterdays, ...."very successful"...first "smoke test" ...goin'
MORE than accordin' to plan... I am overwhelmed to say, that "K2 S/n
01432.. Passed her first "smoke test" with flying colours...MORE than I
ever expected..!"

"..She Lives..! "

However... after the inital shock of findin' she turned on successfully,
through all the proceedures, with the EEprom etc...I have carried on through
the manual endeavouring to aspire to more success...  I am currently milling
around on Page 44 of the manual, where they ask you to assemble a "Frequency
Counter Probe" to allow for more testing...

Great..! More "test gadgests" for the shack..!   I am however stuck on this
one..due to the fact that I am short (I think) on another "2 pin housing"
piece to allow this to be constructed....

Can anyone advise me on what I should/could do at this point...I dont want
to have to take the other "probe" that I just built to pieces to use the "2
pin housing" that I put that together with...

IS THERE..! anyway, as before, in the making of the previous probe...where
this time I "may also" use just my normal "Multi-Meter" from page 44
onwards, to do these tests....(not sure...! sounds a dumb question I
know...but I've never experieced this kinda thing before...ever..)

"If" I could find a way around having one of these "Frequency Counter
Probe"(s)...either home-brew or otherwise...I could move on with
construction...just dont want to do the wrong thing here....as y'all

I ALSO have a spare "Multi-Meter Probe" from an other meter if that would be
of any use, where I could "cannabalis" (DOH..! spelling..!), something out
of that possibly....it may be no use doin' that however...not sure..??

Answers will need to explain clearly, what I "could" do from here
please...adopt the "KISS" method on this one..!

Thanks Again..Ever So Much for this guy's...."K2 S/n 01432 WILL Soon Be

[hidden email]          "...I Just See It.!.."  John A. Ross
(RSD Communications circa 2004)
GM0NWI QRP                                       "..It is vain to do with
more....             "A Dis-Orientated Kiwi...
"K2 S/n 01432 Soon To Be On-Air"                    what can be done with
less..             In The Northern Hemisphere..."

GQRP No.9576
QRP-L No.2165
ARCI No.10561
Alaska QRP Club No.190
Flying Pigs QRP Club No. FP#-1061
ICQ No.31899603

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RE: K2 S/n 01432..Frequecy Counter Probe...Question..?


The frequency probe is only for the K2 and you definitely need to make it as

Re-check if you have the housing, if not I'm sure Elecraft will send you the
missing item. If you can't wait, then you could try Maplins, (they're in
Edinburgh & Glasgow, don't know which is nearest to your QTH) They have a
two pin socket part No HB59P which is 0.1" pitch same as the Elecraft
supplied part and should do the job. The Elecraft supplied crimp pins may
not fit the Maplin housing, so you may need some of them as well, Maplin
part No YW25C. As the housing is only 19p and the pins 59p guess you're not
going to break the bank if they don't fit!

Don, M1DIC
K2 #3082

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Andy GM0NWI
Sent: 12 February 2005 01:22
To: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] K2 S/n 01432..Frequecy Counter Probe...Question..?

Guy's..! ..(Don..! Hope You See This..)

After yesterdays, ...."very successful"...first "smoke test" ...goin'
MORE than accordin' to plan... I am overwhelmed to say, that "K2 S/n
01432.. Passed her first "smoke test" with flying colours...MORE than I
ever expected..!"

"..She Lives..! "

However... after the inital shock of findin' she turned on successfully,
through all the proceedures, with the EEprom etc...I have carried on through
the manual endeavouring to aspire to more success...  I am currently milling
around on Page 44 of the manual, where they ask you to assemble a "Frequency
Counter Probe" to allow for more testing...

Great..! More "test gadgests" for the shack..!   I am however stuck on this
one..due to the fact that I am short (I think) on another "2 pin housing"
piece to allow this to be constructed....

Can anyone advise me on what I should/could do at this point...I dont want
to have to take the other "probe" that I just built to pieces to use the "2
pin housing" that I put that together with...

IS THERE..! anyway, as before, in the making of the previous probe...where
this time I "may also" use just my normal "Multi-Meter" from page 44
onwards, to do these tests....(not sure...! sounds a dumb question I
know...but I've never experieced this kinda thing before...ever..)

"If" I could find a way around having one of these "Frequency Counter
Probe"(s)...either home-brew or otherwise...I could move on with
construction...just dont want to do the wrong thing here....as y'all

I ALSO have a spare "Multi-Meter Probe" from an other meter if that would be
of any use, where I could "cannabalis" (DOH..! spelling..!), something out
of that possibly....it may be no use doin' that however...not sure..??

Answers will need to explain clearly, what I "could" do from here
please...adopt the "KISS" method on this one..!

Thanks Again..Ever So Much for this guy's...."K2 S/n 01432 WILL Soon Be

[hidden email]          "...I Just See It.!.."  John A. Ross
(RSD Communications circa 2004)
GM0NWI QRP                                       "..It is vain to do with
more....             "A Dis-Orientated Kiwi...
"K2 S/n 01432 Soon To Be On-Air"                    what can be done with
less..             In The Northern Hemisphere..."

GQRP No.9576
QRP-L No.2165
ARCI No.10561
Alaska QRP Club No.190
Flying Pigs QRP Club No. FP#-1061
ICQ No.31899603

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