K2 S/n 01432 ..Side Panel Question..?

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K2 S/n 01432 ..Side Panel Question..?

Andy Cunningham-2

I'm currenly "stuck fast"...on a "problem" deciphering exactly what the "K2
Manual" means as regard the orientation of the "2-D fastners" to the "side
panels" on page 37 ..

I have removed (as far as I can see..!) all the green "masking tape" from
the areas where it was stuck down to on the side panels (..on BOTH my side
panels..this is 2 areas rectangular in shape..on the bottom (horizonatal
plane) of each of the side panels)... there appears to be no other parts
that are "masked" .....

On the drawing in the "K2 Manual" on page 37, the picture "appears" to show
3 areas of "masking" on each side panel...  they are "mirrored" images of
each other, with "masking" in the "top left" on the horizontal plane of one
side panel....and then on the "top right" on the horizontal plane of the
other panel...  Also there is indication that the side panels have also
"masking" on the "right hand side" vertical plane...and also "left hand
side" vertical plane...

Thats "if" I am reading the drawing in the manual correctly..??

However MY panels do NOT have these areas "masked" at all..!!  I only "seem"
to have 2 areas on each side panel "masked" ...and BOTH are on the
"horizontal plane" when "mirrored" against each other...

This is where the "problem" I am having comes in... I cant seem to get my
head around, which way to orientate the 2D fasteners onto the areas that I
have which were previously "masked".... as they dont match up with the
drawings in my manual, as far as I can tell...

At the moment I have 1 2D fastener on EACH "unmasked" area on EACH
panel,....the 2D fasteners are orientated "vertically" as apposed to the
side panels being "horizontal"...  I feel that this "may" be the wrong way
to go...

Can someone please advise me as to the correct proceedure for mounting these
2D fasteners to their respective side panels, so I may carry on with the
next part in the manual...??

Thanks again guys.....much appreciated....

[hidden email]          "...I Just See It.!.."  John A. Ross
(RSD Communications circa 2004)
GM0NWI QRP                                       "..It is vain to do with
more....             "A Dis-Orientated Kiwi...
"K2 S/n 01432 Soon To Be On-Air"                    what can be done with
less..             In The Northern Hemisphere..."

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