K2- VCO adjustment problem

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K2- VCO adjustment problem

Laurie Landry
I have a very stubborn problem with the VCO or PLL.

This is in reference to Alignment and Tests, Part II.

1) The PLL reference oscillator results are very good.

2) Problems start here: With the 80m band selected and VFO set for 4000.10
the frequency counter reading is 4248 KHz instead of in the 8 to 10 MHz
range. (This frequency was verified with a HP frequency counter and it gave
the same results as the built in frequency counter.)

3) The voltage at the left end of R30 remains constant at 7.98 volts. No
matter what band or setting of L30.  L30 was removed and tested with an
inductance meter and it works perfectly.

4) Parts were checked for reverse installation.  All appeared to be ok.

5) The small PC board with the thermistor was removed, all joints appeared
ok, then reinstalled.  Same results.

6) One big question :  The voltage on pin 6 of U6 is 0.000.  The manual says
it should be 4 volts.  Does anyone have an explanation for that voltage or
the other problems.  Also, the board was checked by myself and others with
no discoveries of bad joints.

7) One turn was removed from the primary (red winding) of T5.  No change in
the results.

    If anyone has any insight into these problems, I thank you in advance
for any input.

Laurie, VE1AWJ

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