K2-VCO adjustment problem

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K2-VCO adjustment problem

Laurie Landry
The VCO problem is solved. Let me say that it was not an error that I'm
proud of having accomplished, but there was a positive side.  I learned a
lot about the K2 and a few other subjects.
The problem was the wrong core for T5.  The instructions clearly said to use
the yellow toroid, Gary sent me a color picture showing the yellow core....I
only saw the connections! Then Don mentioned the yellow toroid in an
email...I knew that he had hit the nail on the head.
After a few hours of embarassement, I sat down at my bench and corrected the
problem in about 10 minutes.  Now everything is falling into place...until
my next problem.
I would like to thank Don,Gary,Ueli and the others that responded to my

73 to all,

Laurie VE1AWJ

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