K2 new/old build. S/N is 2338, built base K2 and KNB2 10 years ago, put away
and only finished up recently with KPA100, KAT100 and KSB2.
On air for couple weeks in KH6 with good results. Suddenly starts giving
intermittent HiCur messages yesterday.
Tore out KPA100 and KSB2.
-Occurs on all bands tested (40, 30, 20, 17, 12, 10) (no dummy load, but
checked R with Rig Experts AA-54 and tested close to 50 ohm points with almost
no Z).
-Happens with Tune or keying at all power settings
-Message displays at key-up when hand keying/tune, will happen quickly with
keyer and then fold-back power.
-Cal Cur is 3.5A
-Measured power output with external wattmeter (SX-200) and power tracked fairly
closely to setting
-Will not happen if power is lowered to <
-Checked power supply output voltage with DMM and it matches the K2 display
voltage +.4V. PS is set to 14V.
-Current draw on 40M @ 12W is 2.3A 13.1V (.5V drop), 17M @ 12W = 3.44A 12.9V
(.7V drop)
-On 40M Q7 Base is .611V Q8 is .612V
-Completely disassembled and visually inspected all solder with magnifying
glass and re-heated common transformers and chokes in final. Re-seated IOC and
MCU (lifted slightly and pushed back into socket).
-Checked T4 windings
-Have done the DC voltage tests suggested in the various threads about HiCurr
and everything looks normal.
Have another few days here, would be nice to get back on the air if anyone has
an idea.
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