In my case I only use the K2 DSP AF filtering. That works all right.
The NR, no matter what settings I used, have never impressed me, nor
really helped improving signal quality.
Arie PA3A
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Onderwerp: [Elecraft] K2: Your common usage of the DSP
Hey Gang,
When I first started using the DSP in the K2 I thought I would probably
use the noise filter portion of it more than the bandwidth control.
As time has gone by however, I find myself more prone to use the
bandwidth as a pretty effectual way of reducing band noise. So of late
I've really pulled back on the noise reduction settings and have been
using the bandwidth in conjunction with the K2 Crystal filter bandwidth.
The noise reduction feature, when too aggressive seems to garble up a CW
signal a little too much for my taste, even though it does significantly
reduce band noise.
I'm curious as to what others are finding?
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