K2 alignment question

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K2 alignment question

Gary Marks
I'm performing the Alignment & Test, Part II

It says under "Alternatively, ..............

"Tune the receiver to 4.000 MHz, and adjust C22 until you hear a zero-beat (pitch=0 hz).

I'm taking that to mean that I adjust C22 until the tone disappears and I don't hear anything (pitch=0 Hz).....correct ???

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RE: K2 alignment question

Don Wilhelm-3

'It all depends' is the correct answer.  Some receivers display the
frequency that they are tuned to and others consider the CW offset when
displaying the frequency.  If your other receiver uses the offset method,
then you would tune to the pitch of the offset.

You could tune it in SSB mode and there should be no offset to consider, and
then you would have ot tune for 0 Hz.  The problem with tuning to zero Hz,
is that neither the human ear nor the receiver audio circuits can detect
that - the audio response of a receiver usually ends at more than 20 0r 30
Hz, so it is better to use CW and tune to produce a beat with a sidetone
(listen for the 'wow-wow-wow' pulsating sound and tune so the pulsing gets
as slow as possible).

An easy way to check how your receiver handles the offset is to tune to WWV
duing a silent minute and tune the carrier to zero beat, then look to see
whether the frequency on the dial is 10000.00 kHz or something slightly

Now that your direct question has been answered, there are more accurate
ways of setting the reference oscillator, but you will have to wait until
you have completed the K2.  The procedure on the Elecraft website is quite
accurate and I have information on my website article about K2 Dial
Calibration at http://w3fpr.qrpradio.com .  I would recommend that you not
fuss with getting it exact at this time and do the more accurate setting
just before a calibration run (CAL PLL and CAL FIL) after you have spent a
bit of time with the completed K2.


> -----Original Message-----
> I'm performing the Alignment & Test, Part II
> It says under "Alternatively, ..............
> "Tune the receiver to 4.000 MHz, and adjust C22 until you hear a
> zero-beat (pitch=0 hz).
> I'm taking that to mean that I adjust C22 until the tone
> disappears and I don't hear anything (pitch=0 Hz).....correct ???
> Gary

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