K2 and Hamlib-1.2.3

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K2 and Hamlib-1.2.3

Tom Harson
A question for you guys running Linux and Hamlib with the K2.

I am having difficulty with hamlib-1.2.3 and the K2. About all I can do with
Hamlib (rigctl) is read the frequency and change the frequency. The mode
function does not work. My SI (Serial Interface) and Linux (Mandrake 10.1)
function ok. I have verified this with minicom. I am able to communicate with
the K2 and, have checked most of the commands.

I have posted my problem to the developers group and do not have much to
show for it. One fellow said that it worked for him, but provided no
details about his firmware revision.

I am wondering if Ver. 2.04 of the K2's firmware has been sufficiently
modified to prevent correct interaction between it and Hamlib ?
Anyone have any thoughts or experience ?


73 de Tom K5VJZ
K2/100 - 4279

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Re: K2 and Hamlib-1.2.3

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
I have 2.04p and can confirm that I can read the mode, but the filter
settings (read and write) don't work.
I looked through the Kenwood code that it uses and the KIO2 programmer's
reference and I think it might be reasonable to try to #ifdef some of
the kenwood code to produce a K2 version but still have the bulk of it
maintained as the Kenwood, to keep it up to date with hamlib internal

I've made a patch to gMFSK to add a button to QSY so that the currently
selected signal is centered at 1000Hz, and wanted to use the filter r/w
commands to find the center of the current filter, narrow it
successively, etc., but the commands seem not to be implemented.

Tom Harson wrote:

>A question for you guys running Linux and Hamlib with the K2.
>I am having difficulty with hamlib-1.2.3 and the K2. About all I can do with
>Hamlib (rigctl) is read the frequency and change the frequency. The mode
>function does not work. My SI (Serial Interface) and Linux (Mandrake 10.1)
>function ok. I have verified this with minicom. I am able to communicate with
>the K2 and, have checked most of the commands.
>I have posted my problem to the developers group and do not have much to
>show for it. One fellow said that it worked for him, but provided no
>details about his firmware revision.
>I am wondering if Ver. 2.04 of the K2's firmware has been sufficiently
>modified to prevent correct interaction between it and Hamlib ?
>Anyone have any thoughts or experience ?
>73 de Tom K5VJZ
>K2/100 - 4279
>Elecraft mailing list
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Re: K2 and Hamlib-1.2.3

Brian Mury-3
In reply to this post by Tom Harson
On Sat, 2005-22-01 at 20:40 -0600, Tom Harson wrote:
> I am wondering if Ver. 2.04 of the K2's firmware has been sufficiently
> modified to prevent correct interaction between it and Hamlib ?
> Anyone have any thoughts or experience ?

It works for me with 2.04.

> rigctl -m 221 -r /dev/ttyS1 -s 4800

Rig command: m
Mode: CW
Passband: 500

Rig command: M USB 2500
Mode: Passband:
Rig command: m
Mode: USB
Passband: 2500

Rig command: M CW 500
Mode: Passband:
Rig command: m
Mode: CW
Passband: 500

73, Brian

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Re: K2 and Hamlib-1.2.3

Brian Mury-3
In reply to this post by Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
On Sat, 2005-22-01 at 19:38 -0800, Leigh L. Klotz, Jr. wrote:
> I looked through the Kenwood code that it uses and the KIO2
> programmer's
> reference and I think it might be reasonable to try to #ifdef some of
> the kenwood code to produce a K2 version but still have the bulk of
> it
> maintained as the Kenwood, to keep it up to date with hamlib internal
> changes.

Why do you want to make compile-time selections?

Hamlib already knows about the K2. All that would need to be done is to
add any K2-specific code to kenwood/k2.c, and have k2_caps point to the
new code instead of to the generic Kenwood functions.

If you want to work on it, submit patches so everyone can benefit.

73, Brian

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