K2 and KPA100 Observations

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K2 and KPA100 Observations

Has anyone experienced the ALC not kicking in when using the MH-2 mike on
PTT.  I have found If I put the display in ALC while using PTT, the ALC kicks in
after about one word.  ALC seems to kick in on VOX after a few words
automatically without any coaxing or proding.  Before ALC takes hold I get a forward
power modulation reading (RMS) of around 50 watts indicatd on voice peaks with
power set at 100 watts.  The
SSB output at 100 watts on an average reading wattmeter should show a
modulation needle reading in the neighborhood of 15-25 watts forward (assuming SWR

Another observation was that the KPA100 resistor R13, 100 ohm 3 W, becomes
somewhat hot if external power (using two power cords and connections) is
supplied simultaneously to the K2 and the KPA100 with power set to 11 watts.  I
noticed this when I accidentally used a separate power supply to the K2 while
setting the bias to the 2SC2879's.  Maybe R13 was put right in front of the fan
for a reason.  R13 cools down when the power is set to 10 watts or less and the
KPA100 is bypassed.  I don't think R13 gets hot if the external power to the
K2 is removed.  I am not going to use an external power connection to the K2
any more while in the K2/100 configuration.

I would appreciate any comments, especially on the ALC topic.  Roy Morris  
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