K2 and linear problems

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K2 and linear problems


Well the K2/100 certainly works with a linear, in this case an Acom
A1000, but in my case it works a little too well. The limit here is
400 watts and the linear will produce 1000 watts at 40-50 drive. I
therefore need to drive at around 20 watts. This works OK except that
the first syllable produces a spike of a lot more than 20 watts drive
for a fraction of a second from the K2. This appears to be because
the output power is regulated by the ALC system which has a
relatively slow response time. I am driving the audio so that I only
get a maximum of one bar of ALC with normal speech.

Does anybody have a modification or operating technique that might
alleviate this problem? I could just build an attenuator to go
between K2 and linear but this would have to dissipate 30 watts
continuous, 100 watts peak and seems like a clumsy solution.

thanks in advance

                     Andrew Forrest    M1KAZ K2 #3679
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