Hi Don:
I have been away for several days, and just now read your account
of working TX9 under tough conditions. Your experience with
the K2 mirrors mine, although you have more equipment!
There is a lot I like about my TS-850, but if truth be told, the
K2 is my main station rig (and it is still only QRP, the KPA100
is not finished yet). The K2 is better on CW, and despite the
850's wonderful (and much fuller audio) the K2 is less fatiguing
to operate on SSB, at least for me. Also it is simply more fun.
Don, your report is the kind that should be put on the eham
review site. Personal experience of real operating, balanced,
believable, and with a minimum of hype. If it is not there
already, I hope you will consider sending it to them.
John, N6JW
K2 #3290
With my poor antennas and equally poor propagation (with only a couple of
exceptions, they were ESP) working the TX9 from here in the Southeast was
NOT easy for me! Like some others, I also spent pretty much the entire
period of their operation chasing them on about 5 hours of sleep per night.
The result: 3 contacts - 2 cw (17 meters - one QRO, one QRP) and 1 ssb (10
meters). TX9 is DXCC # 344 for me so in my little world it had to be "bell
to bell."
I have 4 stations set up (lots of equipment - lots of covenant restrictions
and therefore rotton antennas!) each with linear amps. K2; Icom 756 Pro II;
Yaesu 1000MP Mark V; and Collins S-line. All three qso's were made using
the K2!
There are lots of things about each of the other rigs that I really like -
but - if I had to keep just one it would have to be the K2. What an amazing
little box! 73 es gud dx --don n4hh K2/100 #2028, etc, etc.
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