A long time ago, there were pops and thumps with keying in a few K2s
having the KDSP2 and KPA100 options. It was coming from the KPA100 T/R
switch, and several changed capacitor values in the KPA100 to combat it.
Check your KPA100 - if it has red toroid cores at L15 and L16, then
adding KPA100UPKT would be the first order of business.
I have not seen mention of a K2 parallel to that K1 mod - you could try
it, but you would need two caps and two resistors - connect to the drain
of Control Board Q7 and Q8.
On 4/15/2012 12:56 AM, VK7JB wrote:
> Hello Group,
> I've been using my K2/100 on CW a bit lately and have noticed that there are
> low frequency thumps/pops on the receive audio at the rx to tx transition -
> ie onset of keying (key closure). They are most noticable if the noise
> floor is high or if there are other signals in the receiver passband. If I
> wind the RF gain right back or operate on a really quiet band and the
> artefacts disappear.
> They don't relate to the DSP (they occur even when DSP is bypassed), to the
> state of the 8R Hold parameter or to the presence or absence of transmitted
> RF (the artefacts are present also in TEST mode).
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