K2 does it again

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K2 does it again

Steve L.-3
FD 2004 results are in on the web.

WB7FJG and I operated W7MRG in 2B2B (2-man, 2-tx, QRP
watching too much campaign coverage).

Naturally, my radio was a K2 which kicked A$$ and took
names (or at least callsigns).

Next year we're gonna improve our scores by leaving
the beer at home.

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Re: K2 does it again

Brian Mury-3
On Fri, 2004-29-10 at 10:44 -0700, Steve L. wrote:
> FD 2004 results are in on the web.

Unfortunately they put it on the "members only" portion of the web site.
Anyone want to email me the results?

> Next year we're gonna improve our scores by leaving
> the beer at home.

Maybe next year I'll have even more fun by taking beer with me! Hmmm....
on second thought, after operating 16 hours straight, I was probably
better off without the beer!

73, Brian

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FD participants and scores

Jessie Oberreuter

      Okay, so whats with some of these stations that have a huge number of
"Participants"?  In the list of the 20 or so Northwest Division 3A
stations, more than half of them had in excess of 10 "participants", and
the lowest scoring group on the list had 42 people!  Am I missing
something?  Are folks including everyone who comes to visit?  Do these
clubs really dedicate the bulk of their membership to running a 3A

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Brian Mury wrote:

> On Fri, 2004-29-10 at 10:44 -0700, Steve L. wrote:
>> Next year we're gonna improve our scores by leaving
>> the beer at home.
> Maybe next year I'll have even more fun by taking beer with me! Hmmm....
> on second thought, after operating 16 hours straight, I was probably
> better off without the beer!
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Re: FD participants and scores

Stuart Rohre
ARRL requests you send in logs of both operators and guests, so
"participants" includes all who come to Field Day site.

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Re: FD participants and scores

In reply to this post by Jessie Oberreuter
In a message dated 10/29/04 5:58:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[hidden email] writes:

> Okay, so whats with some of these stations that have a huge number of
> "Participants"?  

Simple - there's no strict definition of what constitutes a "participant". It
usually means anyone who participates in any meaningful way.

Consider the following FD tasks:

- planning
- getting permissions to use a site, set up antennas, etc.
- rounding up equipment, including rentals
- getting publicity
- carting stuff to the site & back
- setting up & taking down
- operating & logging
- support services (keeping the generator running, feeding the multitude,
fixing stuff that breaks)
- writing up and sending in the report


Wouldn't you consider someone who does even one of the above as a
participant? Could be something as simple as the person who drops off a generator or
other vital piece of equipment at the site at the beginning of FD and picks it up
at the end.

IMHO, the more the merrier.

73 de Jim, N2EY
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Re: FD participants and scores

Brian Mury-3
In reply to this post by Jessie Oberreuter
On Fri, 2004-29-10 at 13:52 -0700, Jessie Oberreuter wrote:
>       Okay, so whats with some of these stations that have a huge number of
> "Participants"?  In the list of the 20 or so Northwest Division 3A
> stations, more than half of them had in excess of 10 "participants", and
> the lowest scoring group on the list had 42 people!  Am I missing
> something?  Are folks including everyone who comes to visit?  Do these
> clubs really dedicate the bulk of their membership to running a 3A
> station?

If it's anything like my club, a bunch of people come out to help set up
and tear down, and hang out in between, but when offered a seat at the
operating position, say "no thanks". That's why I usually end up
operating 16 hours at a 1A station run by a 300 member club - there's no
one else to operate. Fine with me - I like operating!

But I guess everyone who comes out gets counted.

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