K2 first light, no first light !

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K2 first light, no first light !

Ken  K7ZUM

Hi All,

          Am working on putting my secound K2 together, have run into a bit of a problem,
am on the "first light" alignment  and test, part 1,  K2 powers up, info 201 comes on
(and disapears) then the elecraft and 7100.cc c, everything seems fine to that point,
but, not a single button will work, the VFO knob will not change the display, nothin,
up till this point, every check, every resistance check was spot on, have checked all boards for any unsoldered joints,bridges,parts placement etc, (using a lighted magnifing glass,eyes are getting old !)    anybody have any ideals as to where to start to check ??

73 de K7ZUM
Ken in Gres"HAM"  Ore

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RE: K2 first light, no first light !

Don Wilhelm-3

Since you can see the display - and it seems to be proper, many of the front
panel signals must be correct.

I would look closely at the SR CK signal on the control board and on the
front panel board since this signal is common to the circuits that you
report as failing.  Check the connectors on the all 3 boards and U6 pin 35
on the control board.  This may or not be the problem signal, but is a good
starting point.
Re-check the soldering carefully (don't forget about the connector pins)and
be certain all the pins of Control Board U6 are properly in the socket (not
bent under or sticking out).

Good luck and bst 73,

> -----Original Message-----
>           Am working on putting my secound K2 together, have run
> into a bit of a problem,
> am on the "first light" alignment  and test, part 1,  K2 powers
> up, info 201 comes on
> (and disapears) then the elecraft and 7100.cc c, everything seems
> fine to that point,
> but, not a single button will work, the VFO knob will not change
> the display, nothin,
> up till this point, every check, every resistance check was spot
> on, have checked all boards for any unsoldered
> joints,bridges,parts placement etc, (using a lighted magnifing
> glass,eyes are getting old !)    anybody have any ideals as to
> where to start to check ??
> 73 de K7ZUM
> Ken in Gres"HAM"  Ore
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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