K2, serial number 4275 is for sale. I built this unit about six months ago
and now want to build another kit. This K2 comes with the following options
KIO2 – Aux I/O Module with cable
KNB2 – Noise Blanker
KBT2 – Internal Battery Option
KAF2 – Audio Filter and Real Time Clock
KAT2 – Automatic Antenna Tuner
Everything works well and is ready to go. This unit does not even have
scratches yet. I would like to get $1100 for this unit. I am an experienced
technician with decades of experience, so this was was not my first rodeo. If you
are just starting out and need everything, I have like new accessories:
antenna, power supply, quiet headphones paddles, key and other goodies we can
negotiate on.
Contact Terry Southern @
[hidden email] or call (303)665-7002
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