K2/handmic/headset (new K2 buyer)

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K2/handmic/headset (new K2 buyer)

I'm going to order a K2, and I want to get the right handmic.  I have a Heil Proset headset now, with the Icom element.  I would like to use this headset with the K2, as well as my Icom rig.

Does this mean that I need to buy an Icom handmic for use with the K2, or can I get the K2 mic and wire it so that I can use the Heil headset that I already have?

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Re: K2/handmic/headset (new K2 buyer)

Bill Steffey NY9H
You CAN wire your K2 as an ICOM,,,, even putting the speaker audio on pin
8, as Icom does for their headset.  I did, and use my Icom mikes and icom
headsets, as well as great sounding cheapo computer heasdsets wired as icom....
  I can usually find someone selling an Icom headset with the push to talk
hand control....for 15-25 $$. already wired for MY k2.( as well as my icoms)


At 11:28 AM 12/13/2004, [hidden email] wrote:

>I'm going to order a K2, and I want to get the right handmic.  I have a
>Heil Proset headset now, with the Icom element.  I would like to use this
>headset with the K2, as well as my Icom rig.
>Does this mean that I need to buy an Icom handmic for use with the K2, or
>can I get the K2 mic and wire it so that I can use the Heil headset that I
>already have?
>Elecraft mailing list
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