K2 headphone jack removal - a tip

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K2 headphone jack removal - a tip

Roger Stein
The time finally arrived to replace the headphone jack on my K2, #755.
I read over the various removal methods others had posted.  Some seemed
a little 'brutal' given the delicate nature of the component.

I had an Exacto razor saw blade in my tool drawer and that worked great!
The headphone jack has small stand-off 'dimples' on the bottom of it.
That allowed just enough clearance to insert the blade.

You must get a firm grip on the RF board and use the back stroke on the
blade rather than the push stroke or your own combination to cut through
the metal pins.

I removed one of the screws attached to the adjacent 2D fastener for a
better 'angle of attack' for the blade.

Then it is a matter of solder-wick or sucker to remove the remaining pieces
of the pin left soldered to the circuit board.

Don't forget to either whisk or blow the small metal filings off the circuit

No band-aids were required!

73, Roger WA7BOC
K2 #755

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