K2 hook-up to an ALS-600 amp

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K2 hook-up to an ALS-600 amp

If anyone has used an ALS-600 with their K2 I'd like to hear any tips you may have.

I have a K2 with the PA/ATU outboard in separate enclosure that I want to use to drive the amp. Is there nothing more to do than to install a cable from the K2/100 PA KEY OUT to the ALS-600's RELAY jack (and RF OUT to RF IN, of course)? I've read that at least with the K3 hooking up ALC is not needed (of course, I have to take care not to use too much drive from the K2).

I have parts on order for the AD5X QSK mod, but they probably won't be here for quite a while. What would you recommend that I set the QSK delay to in the K2 to avoid switching while hot? I don't mind giving up fast QSK for the time being.

tnx es 73,

Casey, TI2/NA7U
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Re: K2 hook-up to an ALS-600 amp

Don Wilhelm-4

Changing the T-R delay in the K2 will not eliminate hot switching.  The
time between the KeyOut going low and the onset of RF is close to 8 ms.
and is not adjustable.

So, yes, you will need that AD5X mod.

What the T-R delay in the K2 menu does is delay the transition from
transmit to receive.  That can be used to prevent amplifier relay
clacking on CW, but you will not have full QSK.

I would suggest you activate the amplifier relay with a foot switch (or
other manual switch) in the meantime.  The amp relay should connect the
K2 directly to the antenna if you forget the foot switch, so no harm
should come from operation like that.


On 6/4/2012 5:40 PM, TI2/NA7U wrote:

> If anyone has used an ALS-600 with their K2 I'd like to hear any tips you may
> have.
> I have a K2 with the PA/ATU outboard in separate enclosure that I want to
> use to drive the amp. Is there nothing more to do than to install a cable
> from the K2/100 PA KEY OUT to the ALS-600's RELAY jack (and RF OUT to RF IN,
> of course)? I've read that at least with the K3 hooking up ALC is not needed
> (of course, I have to take care not to use too much drive from the K2).
> I have parts on order for the AD5X QSK mod, but they probably won't be here
> for quite a while. What would you recommend that I set the QSK delay to in
> the K2 to avoid switching while hot? I don't mind giving up fast QSK for the
> time being.
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Re: K2 hook-up to an ALS-600 amp

Thanks Don. It so happens I have a foot switch so I will use that while waiting the AD5X stuff.


Casey, TI2/NA7U
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Re: K2 hook-up to an ALS-600 amp

Finally got the parts for the AD5K relay mod to the Ameritron ALS-600 and put it all together. I documented the  task on my ham blog:  http://cloud-warmer.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-ameritron-als-600-qsk-mod-is-done.html


Casey, TI2/NA7U