K2 in ARRL CW DX contest

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K2 in ARRL CW DX contest

Bob Nielsen
I only was able to put in a little over 3 hours, SOSB 40 QRP, and spent
much more of that time calling through the QRM than actually making
contacts.  No AF Q's at all and only 3 each SA and EU (UA, I and CU2).
At least it was a good excuse for firing up the K2 (#3272, 5 watts to a
multi-band vertical).  Last year I operated 40-10 meters and had better
luck with DX on 40 meters than this time.  Until I built the K2, I never
would have thought that working EU on 40 from the West Coast with 5
watts and a simple antenna was possible.

27 QSOs, 16 Countries, 1,296 points.

73, Bob N7XY
Bainbridge Island, WA

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Re: K2 in ARRL CW DX contest

Glad to hear that you had fun. Picked up a few QSOs at 3w with the K1 on 40
and 80 using a Spiro trapped vertical wire. It's nice to know that some of
the hard core contesters actually listen carefully enough to hear the QRP
signals. I'm not really fast enough to mix it up with the big boys, but it
still always surprises me as to how well a battery operated, kit built rig
will perform. Got a few more contacts using my FT-847 at about 60 watts. The
Yaesu has more power, but much less receiver performance and the CW note
isn't as good. Compared to the K1 QSOs, the FT-847 contacts don't really
seem like much.
Good luck and 72,
Lonnie NY2LJ
>I only was able to put in a little over 3 hours, SOSB 40 QRP, and spent
>much more of that time calling through the QRM than actually making
>contacts.  No AF Q's at all and only 3 each SA and EU (UA, I and CU2).
>At least it was a good excuse for firing up the K2 (#3272, 5 watts to a
>multi-band vertical).  Last year I operated 40-10 meters and had better
>luck with DX on 40 meters than this time.  Until I built the K2, I never
>would have thought that working EU on 40 from the West Coast with 5
>watts and a simple antenna was possible.
>27 QSOs, 16 Countries, 1,296 points.
>73, Bob N7XY
>Bainbridge Island, WA


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