If you are a user who would not like having a bunch of things on the
desk other than a K2, or you are part of K2 user who do not want an
external speaker on the K2 for many reasons... not much desk space,
You can improve the sound of the K2 but putting a sound deflector over
the K2 speaker. I did one just for an experiment using thick
cardboard.... I did a 45 degrees deflector that I put directly on top
of the speaker...
After, just move on and off the deflector, and listen to the difference
between with and without.... You will notice that a 5 cents improvement
that does not take much space could be useful and helpful.
Using a thicker material , like a raw carpet will improve also the
sound reflection and will sound much deeper.
Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ / FN45aj
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Elecraft K2 #4130
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