K2 needed for Hamcom QRP demo booth

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K2 needed for Hamcom QRP demo booth

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
Does anyone have a K2 that they can loan to Doc for the QRP demo booth at
Hamcom this weekend? My rig will be in use at the Elecraft booth.

Please reply to me and copy Doc, [hidden email] , if you can help out.

73, Eric

Doc - W5TB wrote:

> Hi Eric!
> We have the opportunity to operate with the FISTS KN0WCW callsign from the
> QRP booth at HAMCOM this year. The booth will be in the commercial
> exhibitor's area near the ARRL booth. Our only worry is overloading from the
> AM station despite efforts by a local field day team in setup.
> Assuming you'll be represented at HAMCOM again this year I'd like to request
> the loan of a K2 at the QRP booth to act as the primary rig for the
> KN0WCW station by any licensed operator. It would seem a win-win opportunity
> for us to take advantage of the K2's excellent front end and for those
> interested in the K2 to give it a try on the air.
> Programs will include Doug KI6DS on kit building and me on QRP high
> adventure
> http://www.arsqrp.com/ars/pages/back_issues/2004_text/0405_text/W5TB.html
> (by the way, I'd love some photos of the KX1 in action for this ;-)
> What do you think?
> 72, 73, oo T.E. 'Doc' Drake, W5TB
> Arlington, Texas
> FISTS # 5365 QRPARCI # 3532 ARRL Life Member K1 #181 K2#1617
> http://www.qsl.net/w5tb

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Re: K2 needed for Hamcom QRP demo booth

Bud Rogers
On Tuesday 15 June 2004 20:00, W5TB wrote:
> Hi Bud -- that would be terrific! The QRP booth has an antenna for
> the first time in HAMCOM history and I've arranged for use of teh
> FISTS call KN0WCW. I can provide a 7.5ah gell cell and power cord for
> the K2.  How about a paddle?  Do we need a tuner (there is a
> committee putting up antennas and we've given them 7040 and 14060 for
> resonance, but... ?
> The booh is in the NW corner of teh exhibit area and we'll be setting
> up starting about 9 on Friday.

Hi Doc,

My K2 has the KBT2 internal battery and KAT2 tuner.  I have a set of
Palm paddles, not sure if that's the best for demo purposes.  I will
have a power supply also.

I will drive down Friday, should be in town mid afternoon.


Bud Rogers <[hidden email]>
KD5SZ EM05vb K2 #4115
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