On Tuesday 15 June 2004 20:00, W5TB wrote:
> Hi Bud -- that would be terrific! The QRP booth has an antenna for
> the first time in HAMCOM history and I've arranged for use of teh
> FISTS call KN0WCW. I can provide a 7.5ah gell cell and power cord for
> the K2. How about a paddle? Do we need a tuner (there is a
> committee putting up antennas and we've given them 7040 and 14060 for
> resonance, but... ?
> The booh is in the NW corner of teh exhibit area and we'll be setting
> up starting about 9 on Friday.
Hi Doc,
My K2 has the KBT2 internal battery and KAT2 tuner. I have a set of
Palm paddles, not sure if that's the best for demo purposes. I will
have a power supply also.
I will drive down Friday, should be in town mid afternoon.
Bud Rogers <
[hidden email]>
KD5SZ EM05vb K2 #4115
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