Hello to the group
Just a few minutes ago I finished alignment and test part I for my brand
new K2 with S/N 4726. Everything went right first time with no trouble
at all. When assembling the tilt stand to the bottom cover while I was
doing pressure to set the second oval foot the screw slipped laterally
and lightly scratched just near the foot. Although this is not a visible
part I would like to have the whole rig in mint condition and that is
why I would appreciate if someone could advice about where to get a bit
of paint to repair this scratch. Perhaps it is a standard paint for
automobile or airplane models and I am able to find it here in
I am sorry about taking some bandwidth of the reflector and many thanks
in advance for your advice.
72 de Vicens, EA3ADV
K2 # 3279
K1 # 1445
Building K2 # 4726
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