K2 paint

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K2 paint

Hi o all

This morning I ordered the repair paint from Elecraft. I was not aware
of this nice addition to the parts and mod kits page but thanks to Mick,
M1MDG, I found the solution to my problem (I hope I will need it only
for the light scratch on the bottom cover, Hi). I really believe that my
mistake was as a result of the excitement to fire up the rig.
Fortunately everything went well and K2 #4726 passed alignment and test
part I with any trouble. I am just waiting for the weekend to go on
building. I will let you know.
What a big pleasure to fire the K2 for the first time.....
Lisa Jones at Elecraft was, as always, absolutely kind and helpful. Many
thanks once more to the Elecraft team for an excellent job and
outstanding service.

Best 72 de Vicens, EA3ADV

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