K2 progress

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K2 progress

I received my K2 kit in October, but Wilma wanted to see it so came  right
the house.
I have completed assembly steps 1 and 2.  I have just been taking my  time.
On both smoke tests no problems.  Fired right up.  Before I even  did the
I hooked it to an antenna and was copying an I2 on SSB.
After finishing the alignment I was copying cw signals that my IC-735  
couldn't hear.
Amazing.  I know my 735 has a good receiver in it (it will stay here  for QRO
 SW listening) but this is a different class.  I have not put the  K2 up
my RX-321 because I am starting the final assembly.  I don't think it  will
have any trouble
against the Ten-Tec.
I have been a ham 28 years and in Electronics almost as long.  I sold  my
to purchase the K2 and don't regret it one bit.  The 990 had problems  the
Yaesu service
guys couldn't fix (also some parts are no longer available) and since I  
didn't buy
the extender boards I was up the creek.
I feel confident I made a wise choice, and if anything does come up with  the
K2 I'll be able to handle it.  
BTW, I already have 2 Weller stations and a ton of tools.  I've worked  in
 where ECN's were an almost daily occurrence,  so adding parts,  cutting
lands etc
does not really bother me.
So so far no glitches, and by taking my time and double and triple  checking
before I install parts, no rework.
I'll let you know when it is done.
73 all de Bob K3YT
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