K2 rx ant question

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K2 rx ant question


I am going to operate a little in the CQ WW 160 meter contest this weekend.  My
problem has always been too much noise on receive...I'm an alligator.  I want to
try using my 20-meter quad as a receiving-only antenna.

The question is:  the quad is right next to my inverted-L transmitting antenna.
    If the quad is connected to the K2 rant input, is there any danger of
damaging the K2 when transmitting at the 1.5 KW level?  100 watts?

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: K2 rx ant question

Make up the little 2 transistor keying switch that Elecraft posts on their site.
It works great.  Use it to key a shorting relay on the input to R2.
It will be activated before rf leaves the K2, and released after rf ceases.
That should be all the protection you need.
Good luck and 73
Bob N6WG

-------------- Original message --------------

> Hi,
> I am going to operate a little in the CQ WW 160 meter contest this weekend. My
> problem has always been too much noise on receive...I'm an alligator. I want to
> try using my 20-meter quad as a receiving-only antenna.
> The question is: the quad is right next to my inverted-L transmitting antenna.
> If the quad is connected to the K2 rant input, is there any danger of
> damaging the K2 when transmitting at the 1.5 KW level? 100 watts?
> --
> 73,
> Vic, K2VCO
> Fresno CA
> http://www.qsl.net/k2vco 
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Re: K2 rx ant question

hank  k8dd-2
Or put a couple 1n34a's across the rx antenna.  one pointing up and one
pointing down.

73    hank    k8dd

[hidden email] wrote:

>Make up the little 2 transistor keying switch that Elecraft posts on their site.
>It works great.  Use it to key a shorting relay on the input to R2.
>It will be activated before rf leaves the K2, and released after rf ceases.
>That should be all the protection you need.
>Good luck and 73
>Bob N6WG
>-------------- Original message --------------
>>I am going to operate a little in the CQ WW 160 meter contest this weekend. My
>>problem has always been too much noise on receive...I'm an alligator. I want to
>>try using my 20-meter quad as a receiving-only antenna.
>>The question is: the quad is right next to my inverted-L transmitting antenna.
>>If the quad is connected to the K2 rant input, is there any danger of
>>damaging the K2 when transmitting at the 1.5 KW level? 100 watts?
>>Vic, K2VCO
>>Fresno CA


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 level then beat you  with experience.'           -anon

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Stephen W. Kercel
Just seeing if I hit the reflector.

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Re: Testing

Mark Saunders-3
Hit it?  The jolt knocked my K2 out of alignment.  Damn!  

<shouting to the other room>
Honey, my K2 is out of alignment, I need to buy another K2 (very, very big wicked grin).

Mark Saunders, KJ7BS
BSD High Power Rocketry
Glendale, AZ

From: "Stephen W. Kercel" <[hidden email]>
Date: 2005/01/28 Fri PM 06:56:46 EST
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Testing

Just seeing if I hit the reflector.

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Re: Testing

Thom LaCosta
In reply to this post by Stephen W. Kercel
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, Stephen W. Kercel wrote:

> Just seeing if I hit the reflector.

It hit back....


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