K2 s/n 4886 assembled

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K2 s/n 4886 assembled

jon howe-2
No doubt this is old hat to some 5000 of you out there, but I have just
made it to the end of Chapter 7, so consider this one built.
The first thing that ever popped up on my display was INFO 80, and there
were times when I wondered if I might turn 80 before reaching page 80.
But I did it, and I owe a debt of gratitude to those (you know who you
are) who responded to my queries, both on and off list.
Hey, this kit comes with a great instruction manual.
But as the saying goes, you can't learn everything by just reading a
I have a few things to do, such as build the options.
And, more to the point, the CW test to get HF privileges.
So for the time being, s/n 4886 lets me do little more than hone my
listening skills.  Which probably isn't such a bad thing in the long
Armed with my experience, and a whole lot more confidence, I will now
turn my attention to completing s/n 3460, which has proven to be a bit
of a problem child.
Regardless, I'm having fun and learning lots.
Hats off to the collective genius that kept me going in the right
jh, VE8JJ

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