I've noticed lately that I've been chatting with more and more owners of K2's
on CW. In the past, I would occasionally run into one but, now it's a little
more frequent. I'm also wondering if more people use them for contests rather
than rag chewing?
Last night I moved up the band on 40 meters to give a shout on SSB. It's a
little more challenging but, fun. I was just about to give up calling CQ when
a gentleman from Arkansas answered. I live in Wyoming. He was amazed that I
was running only 14 watts. Before anyone points out the obvious that
propagation is a big factor as well as antennas, blah, blah, blah, it's still
very satisfying to know that 10 to 15 watts can do a pretty good job even on
SSB. By the way, I use a full quarter wave ground plane vertical for 40
meters, home-brew, now traps or coils. So, I've decided to start working more
SSB with the K2 just to see what I can do at the bottom of the sun spot cycle.
Or is it the start?
Gary, N7HTS
K2 Pile-up buster # 6113
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