K2 :: simply amazing service from Elecraft

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K2 :: simply amazing service from Elecraft

inventor61 .
At Field Day on Saturday 26 June, around 1800 local EDT, my K2 #771
took what appears to have been an induced voltage spike from the
connected antenna.

I brought the rig home at 11:30PM and diagnosed the problem, and
replaced two of the three parts that were zapped in the KAT2.  My K1
assumed air duty after it was determined the K2 wasn't going to
complete this year's event.

On Monday morning 28 June around 1030 local I placed an order (for the
remaining damaged part) on the Elecraft web page, with an order
acknowledgment coming via e-mail from Lisa just a short time later.
Being in no big hurry, I selected conventional parcel-post shipping.

Today, Wednesday 30 June, around 1230 local, the mailman delivered the
parts to my home.

No kidding.  Roughly 50 hours elapsed time, <enter> key to mailbox,
Watsonville CA to Chapel Hill NC ...  2,763 miles.

Bravo to Elecraft, and to the USPS.

Steve KZ1X/4
K1, K2, K3, etc.
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Service By Elecraft - 2nd the motion

We do live in amazing times.....  I sent my K3 off to have it repaired and modified.  The work done was excellent by Dale Farmer and the K3 came out of Aptos with the old serial number but a new radio.  The trouble was an encoder had quit working and that cause half the buttons to quit too.  But, I had all the mods put in and the new DSP board.  It took awhile to get it on the bench, but once it is there, Dale did a great job of working on my K3.

They even packed it in a better box and shipped it straight away.  Cost me a little, but it was well worth it.

That you Elecraft

Lee - K0WA

 Ham Radio Operators:  Kansas QSO Party is August 28-29, 2010.  See www.ksqsoparty.org for details

In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  Is Common Sense divine?

Common Sense is the image of the Creator expressing revealed truth in my mind. -  J. Wolf

From: Steve Jackson <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Wed, June 30, 2010 9:06:46 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K2 :: simply amazing service from Elecraft

At Field Day on Saturday 26 June, around 1800 local EDT, my K2 #771
took what appears to have been an induced voltage spike from the
connected antenna.

I brought the rig home at 11:30PM and diagnosed the problem, and
replaced two of the three parts that were zapped in the KAT2.  My K1
assumed air duty after it was determined the K2 wasn't going to
complete this year's event.

On Monday morning 28 June around 1030 local I placed an order (for the
remaining damaged part) on the Elecraft web page, with an order
acknowledgment coming via e-mail from Lisa just a short time later.
Being in no big hurry, I selected conventional parcel-post shipping.

Today, Wednesday 30 June, around 1230 local, the mailman delivered the
parts to my home.

No kidding.  Roughly 50 hours elapsed time, <enter> key to mailbox,
Watsonville CA to Chapel Hill NC ...  2,763 miles.

Bravo to Elecraft, and to the USPS.

Steve KZ1X/4
K1, K2, K3, etc.
Elecraft mailing list
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Elecraft mailing list
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