K2 : troubles with level on AF speaker

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K2 : troubles with level on AF speaker

Cyrille DERORY
I'm Cyrille DERORY, a french who is living near the city of Brest.

This is my first K2 (serial 4542) with optionals : SSB, 160m, KIO. The
AF sound is ok with headphones connected on the front panel. However
without headphones, the audio signal is very low AF power on the
internel speaker or on the jack for the external speaker. After
verifications, all components for the audio part are in the right position :

on the control board : R16 .....R20, C23 .....C30, Q6 and Q7
on the RF board : R35, R36, C105, C106

I've even tried to change the speaker but the AF signal is still very
low power.

AF gain R3 is working.

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.

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RE: K2 : troubles with level on AF speaker

Rich Lentz

My best guess is that you have reversed the wires in SPK-J1 - The connector
on the cover. OR you have reversed the ground (earth) on SPK-J2 - The
speaker jack on the rear of the cover.

Remove the cover and set it away from the base,  Disconnect the internal
battery if you have it, just to make sure there is no ground (earth) return.
If volume is increased then the ground connection is reversed somewhere.


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